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Migrate "all" mailing list to Google Groups
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Add a group that can be used to send emails to board members and staff.

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I did some experimenting with subgroups and unfortunately it doesn't seem that we can use them for this. What I'd like to do is have emails sent to "all" passed on to members of both the other groups. However if you do this by adding them as members the email will be saved in each group, which seems weird.

It looks like we'll have to stick with three separate groups and add members manually. There is a thing called "dynamic groups" that might be able to add members from one group to another, but that's not available in our version.

Historically "all" has been a bit ambiguous as a name. maybe just simplify it to kansli-och-styrelse@ or kansli+styrelse@ (with an alias for the names the other way around)

Historically "all" has been a bit ambiguous as a name. maybe just simplify it to kansli-och-styrelse@ or kansli+styrelse@ (with an alias for the names the other way around)

@Jopparn, do you have any opinion on name?

@Lokal_Profil was clever enough to realise that we should be able to use subgroups, if we separate the list groups. This means two "member" groups (for board and staff) where users are members and three list groups. The list groups contain one or both of the member groups.

Historically "all" has been a bit ambiguous as a name. maybe just simplify it to kansli-och-styrelse@ or kansli+styrelse@ (with an alias for the names the other way around)

@Jopparn, do you have any opinion on name?

If this is still up for debate I would prefer kansli-och-styrelse@

In preparation for this I'm trying to move the e-mails from the "kansli" group to a new one, that will be the new list for employees.

There are some errors when exporting using Takeout and it's unclear why. When the export has finished it says:

We weren't able to fetch all of the data that you requested. The list below highlights the services that had problems. You can still download your files, but please be aware that there will be data missing. Inside your export you will find an html file that will have more details about the errors.

In the export there are only e-mails in one test group out of four groups total. archive_browser.html in the export only says

Scanning error
– some of your items were not found and could not be included in the archive.

I tried to only export the "kansli" list several times over the last few days (in case there was a temporary issue), but still don't get the MBOX file.

I tried changing the settings so that a test group (that does export MBOX) had the same settings as "kansli". When I exported the test group still had the MBOX file.

I also tried using another user to export "kansli" with the same result. In doing this I notices that another test group didn't get an MBOX, so it's not unique to the "kansli" group.

I found Got Your Back which can download emails from an account. Doesn't work for Groups unfortunately.

I had a brief chat with Google Workspace support. They said they'll send it on to someone else and come back to me via email.

I received a reply from Google support, see below. In short something is wrong with Takeout, unclear what, and they don't offer any support for it. Since there are no useful error messages I don't think we can do much on our end. Even if it starts working, it won't be a reliable way to retrieve list messages.

I'll have a look if there are any third party tools that can get the messages from Groups. So far I've only found tools that can download emails from accounts, groups apparently works differently. Even if there are any they'll be vulnerable to changes to Google's API and the like, so not very reliable either.

Another avenue would be the big organisation export that we accidentally did earlier. I don't think I ever had a look at the content there. Did you see if Groups messages were exported properly, @Lokal_Profil? This would work for future migration, but not really for verifying if things were imported properly since you can only do it once every 30 days.

Email from Google support:

For general information regarding data exports please refer to the knowledge article below:

(It includes many useful troubleshooting steps)

There is on going issue with the takeout

I understand that you are experiencing an issue with Google Takeout that is not part of the core suite of Google Workspace services defined at

The issue you’ve experienced is currently outside the scope of our support offering and we won’t be able to offer you further direct assistance at this time.

However, I can share some resources that may be helpful to you.

You can find more information on how to download your data at using the Takeout tool found here

It sounds like Google Vault should be able to export Groups messages, but with our Workspace version we don't have that nor are we able to buy it.

We tried using Data Export, which exports all data for all apps. It also could not export all groups and gave no more information than that all data couldn't be retrieved. There was a proposed solution, but that seems to just have done the export again with the same result.

Created a case with Google support regarding the failing export in Data Export.

I got a reply from the support that boils down to "keep retrying until it works", so I'll try that a few times.

Group added with the address kansli-och-styrelse@. Both member groups for employees and board are members.

Group now contains all members individually, rather than the groups. Aliases added: wmse-all@styrelse... and styrelse-och-kansli@.