We want to analyze this campaign to understand whether sending out emails to newcomers had an effect.
- The campaign was run on Spanish Wikipedia
- It started on 2022-05-10 13:50:02 UTC (ref T307844#7917482)
- It'll end on 2022-07-01 00:00:00 UTC (in other words, we'll not use any registrations from then on)
- During the experiment, users can opt-in to receiving emails when responding to the Welcome Survey
- Users are randomly assigned to a treatment or control group, and this group assignment is stored in the Welcome Survey response.
We are interested in understanding:
- Differences between users who opt-in to receiving the emails and those who don't.
- Differences between users who got the email and those who didn't.
These differences might be along the lines of:
- Activation (editing within 24 hours of registration)
- Retention, in the broadest sense as the Growth team has a specific definition of retention that requires activation.
- Productivity (number of edits made)
Exploratory analysis might provide good indications of what metrics are helpful and will provide meaningful insight into how these groups differ.