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[DISCOVERY] Explore various approaches to further expand EntitySchema features
Closed, ResolvedPublic


We would like to technically examine which approaches are available to us with regards to expanding the current EntitySchema functionality. Namely, we would like to explore ways with which we could make EntitySchema addressable, denotable and queryable.

As the terms above are not ubiquitous language wrt Wikibase, they are understood as follows:

addressable - Can be the object of a triple (i.e. a value of a statement).
denotable - a.k.a. "Fingerprintable", a complex of Wikibase specific functionality that handles denotations of particular items and properties. That is, allows them to have labels, aliases and descriptions, and ties those terms to various points in the MediaWiki UI, such as Page titles, page lists, watch lists, recent changes, search, etc.
queryable - Can be queried using WDQS. This implies that EntitySchema should be exportable to RDF, as the queryservice relies on RDF dumps to build a triples graph of Wikidata.

To that end, we have come up with a series of questions to be answered:

  • How feasible would it be to expose various traits individually (such as denotable and addressable), to companion extensions to Wikibase (i.e. EntitySchema)?
  • What components in Wikibase.git would be involved in creating this “denotable” functionality complex?
  • How involved would the effort of disentangling wikibase-termbox from the notion of an entity (i.e. relate to "denotable" functionality only) be?
  • Can we “extract”/disentangle concepts like “denotable” without having to come up with new API endpoints?
  • Which software components of Wikibase would be involved in enabling statements to address other namespaces besides entities?
    • This would involve adding Value Type definitions, see see T312837
  • How can we ensure that EntitySchemas are also addressable in RDF?
    • By making them addressable, we can add a specific Value Type for them in the EntitySchema extension, see T312837
  • How feasible is it for an extension to add its own data type?

These questioned will be tackled one by one, and discussed in the forum chosen by those involved in the discovery

Event Timeline

Prioritzation Notes:

  • Does not affect end users
  • Affects development efforts
  • Does not affect onboarding efforts
  • Affects additional stakeholders (Product managers)
ItamarWMDE claimed this task.

This task was completed and the team chose an approach for entityschema