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StickyTableHeader (gadget) on English Wikipedia hidden behind top header in Vector Skin 2022
Open, Needs TriagePublicBUG REPORT


Reproduction StickyTableHeaders OFF

  1. Login to Wikipedia
  2. Preferences:
    • Appearance > Skin = Vector (2022)
    • Gadgets > Testing and development > StickyTableHeaders OFF
      • The full checkbox name is: Make headers of tables display as long as the table is in view, i.e. "sticky" (requires Chrome v91+, Firefox v59+, or Safari)
      • But for brevity I refer to it as StickyTableHeaders
  3. Scroll a page with one or multiple tables in it, e.g.
    • ✅ As soon as you start scrolling Vector's top header kicks in
    • ✅ The page content can be seen faintly behind the top header

Reproduction StickyTableHeaders ON

  1. Preferences:
    • Appearance > Skin = Vector (2022)
    • Gadgets > Testing and development > StickyTableHeaders ON
  2. Scroll a page with one or multiple tables in it, e.g.
    • As soon as you start scrolling Vector's top header kicks in
    • Scroll further until the first table
    • Actual: ❌ The table header gets sticky indeed, but at viewport position y=0px. Hence it is not visible. Only faintly shines through below main top header.
    • Expected: 👉 The StickyTableHeaders stacks below the top header of the Vector Skin.
    1. Environment
  • MacOS 11.6.7
  • Happens in these web browsers
    • Safari 15.5 (16613., 16613)
    • Chrome 103.0.5060.114

Annotated Screenshot + Video Screen Recording in Action

StickyTableHeaders hidden behind header in Vector Skin 2022.png (2×3 px, 547 KB)

Event Timeline

Aklapper renamed this task from StickyTableHeader hidden behind top header in Vector Skin 2022 to StickyTableHeader (gadget) on English Wikipedia hidden behind top header in Vector Skin 2022.Jul 17 2022, 6:25 PM
Aklapper closed this task as Invalid.

Hi @PutzfetzenORG, thanks for taking the time to report this!

User scripts, gadgets, templates, custom CSS are local on-wiki content. Local content is managed independently on each wiki, by each wiki community themselves.
This needs fixing on the local wiki. needs to have a similar rule for Vector 2022 that Timeless already has about top: 3.125em;. Hence I am closing this task here. Please bring this up on that wiki so it can be fixed on that wiki. Thanks for your understanding!

It's the main Wikipedia where it would matter to me. (EN and DE for me).

I assume you know the issue tracker structures/conventions for the main Wikipedia.

Could you please file the issue there on my behalf?

I spent my last free time with this report itself

Now finding out where to report that for the main Wikipedia sure takes me another hour, which I currently don't have. Then sadly this report would just drop unnoticed 🙁

Thanks! Directing me to that URL sure saved me 1h of searching/browsing around.
Will report it there.

Done. Reported it. Hoping for a fix. Thanks for your assistance.

There are two problems here..

Problem 1: the JS for the en.wp sticky table headers only runs on tables that are not sortable and the class to compensate therefor has not been applied. I can fix this, BUT

Problem 2: The suggested solution is BROKEN. If you reduce the width of your desktop screen below 1000px, you will note that the sticky header is not enabled. But it seems there isn't a good way to determine the non-visibility of the sticky header. For instance, there is vector-sticky-header-visible on body but this is also applied when due to width the sticky header is NOT visible.. The class mw-sticky-header-element however does not have the same media query offsets.

Am I missing something obvious @Jdlrobson ? Also perhaps we can make the presence of vector-sticky-header-visible conditional on the media width as well using .matchMedia ?

@TheDJ I don't think you need to worry about the visibility of the sticky header. That should be taken care of for you. I'm not seeing any issues with - note the table of contents icon in the top left below 1000px:

Screen Shot 2022-07-22 at 1.21.16 PM.png (291×839 px, 89 KB)

I haven't had a chance to look at your code. Is there a reason you can't use a CSS only solution?

I'm seeing the issues, Your headers are 3.something em down the top of the page, even though there is no header :)

Screenshot 2022-07-23 at 13.37.42.png (516×1 px, 156 KB)

This gadget was also tested a lot by myself and other people at the recent CommTech internal hackathon, see e.g. here. As @TheDJ noted above, the sticky-header class is not added to sortable tables. I did not find a pretty way to fix that because there seems to be no hook that tells you when tablesorter has finished doing its normalizations. So I just went with a hacky solution with setTimeout, see P27790 (it was a hackathon after all).

I haven't had a chance to look at your code. Is there a reason you can't use a CSS only solution?

That's an interesting question. The thing is, we need to apply position: sticky to the table header, but the header could potentially be very complex, with multiple rows and columns (see tests). If we were to apply position:sticky to every th, they wouldn't stack correctly. Below is an example.

First of all, note that this example is on dewiki and it's NOT rendered by the gadget used on English Wikipedia. Instead, the Charttabelle template on dewiki uses templatestyles (rules) to make the headers stick.

Second, your screenshot shows the stacking issue that I was mentioning above -- you can see some empty space below the cells with the country flags. There's actually a header row before the flags that gets hidden once you start scrolling.

This has an easy solution: you just need to put all the headers inside a thead element and apply position:sticky to that. The thing is, you have to rewrite the DOM and need JS for it.

tells you when tablesorter has finished doing its normalizations

We should probably add a new mw.hook regardless if we need it for this specifically or not.

This has an easy solution: you just need to put all the headers inside a thead element and apply position:sticky to that. The thing is, you have to rewrite the DOM and need JS for it.

Yes, ideally we'd move the JS emulateTheadTfoot into the parser, but to do that somewhat efficiently, we'd need parsoid postprocessing filters for that i'm quite sure.

Anyways, I've made a request to solve this for vector-2022 and this particular en.wp gadget with:

@media screen and (min-width: 1000px) {
	.skin-vector-2022.vector-sticky-header-visible .jquery-tablesorter > thead,
	.skin-vector-2022.vector-sticky-header-visible .mw-sticky-header > thead {
		top: 3.125rem;

Of note however is that this breaks down if you put the table inside a scroller (which coincidently that page has). Sticky is always relative to the scrollcontext, so if you set 3em as the top offset, the element will always be 3em down from the top of the scrollcontext. Not so much a problem if you skin doesn't have sticky header (like the others) as there the top offset is 0 and that at least is still at the top. I know of no good way to deal with this problem right now, other than making sure that people use a specific classname for the scroller which creates an exception or using more JS to counter that specific problem.

Screenshot 2022-07-23 at 14.22.57.png (1×2 px, 258 KB)

My second point was more that if you have a mw-sticky-header-element, that TOO should probably apply the 1000px media query. And 3rd, ideally the vector-sticky-header-visible should just only be added on the body when the thing is actually visible.

Change 816245 had a related patch set uploaded (by TheDJ; author: TheDJ):

[mediawiki/skins/Vector@master] Only apply sticky header offset if it is showing sticky

tells you when tablesorter has finished doing its normalizations

We should probably add a new mw.hook regardless if we need it for this specifically or not.

Yeah, definitely. Also:

This has an easy solution: you just need to put all the headers inside a thead element and apply position:sticky to that. The thing is, you have to rewrite the DOM and need JS for it.

Yes, ideally we'd move the JS emulateTheadTfoot into the parser, but to do that somewhat efficiently, we'd need parsoid postprocessing filters for that i'm quite sure.

This is one thing that we explored at the hackathon. We were thinking about adding this to the wikitext parser, maybe as an extension to RemexHTML. It looked quite complex though, and we ended up not doing it. Another stopgap would be to move it to its own RL module, see r790697.

Nice, I already see the Sticky Headers with the Vector Skin in action on the EN Wikipedia.

So much better to consume tables that way! Great work! Thanks!

I'm seeing the issues, Your headers are 3.something em down the top of the page, even though there is no header :)

Screenshot 2022-07-23 at 13.37.42.png (516×1 px, 156 KB)

I was referring to the table of contents icon in the top left:

Screen Shot 2022-07-26 at 9.48.45 AM.png (180×284 px, 6 KB)

If we shift the header up, these two would overlap, which could potentially be problematic if it covers a sortable column.

Change 816245 merged by jenkins-bot:

[mediawiki/skins/Vector@master] Only apply sticky header offset if it is showing sticky

@TheDJ what's left to do on this ticket? My understanding is this should be fixed now?