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When reviewing, make posting to article talk page optional
Open, Needs TriagePublicFeature


Requested by @Kudpung. When sending custom messages via PageTriage, a copy is left on the article talk page. The suggestion is to make leaving a copy on the article talk page optional, by adding a check box.

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May need to give some thought to how to handle this message: "Previous reviewers of this article have left a comment on the talk page." Deleting or not posting to the talk page leaves the red envelope icon (correctly, since that means a message was sent), but of course the talk page message is missing when "talk page" is clicked.

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Event Timeline

Restricted Application added a subscriber: Aklapper. · View Herald Transcript

How about a cheap workaround with:

"Previous reviewers of this article have left a comment either on the creator's or the article talk page."

A bit of background (pre-empting the questions why this option is requested):
Reviewers very often want to offer personal advice to new users which is not appropriate for the article talk page. If posting the message to the article talk page is left as optional, more reviewers would leave a message of advice or encouragement for the creator. Leaving a copy of the message on the article talk page is fine for comments of a more general nature.

The info module looks for talk page revisions which have the pagetriage change tag. If the message is not sent to the talk page, it will be entirely invisible to subsequent users of the tool.

The info module looks for talk page revisions which have the pagetriage change tag. If the message is not sent to the talk page, it will be entirely invisible to subsequent users of the tool.

@Kudpung @Novem_Linguae do you have any feedback to this comment?

A copy of the message to the article talk page message should be optional. Many reviewers' messages include information or tips for the creator that are not appropriate for general publication to the article talk page.

Subsequent users of the tool need to know that a message has already been sent to the creator. From this they can deduce why the article has been seen and/or tagged but still not been passed as reviewed for indexing by search engines.