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Article's call to action has no help or guidance which is inconsistent with other
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Steps to reproduce

  1. View an article on Wikipedia Android app that has no article description. (I searched for -hastemplate:"Short description" to find one.) and Image Captions

Expected results

Show "What is this?", link to Help/guide to writing a good short description", maybe show similar short descriptions.

Actual results

You get a near-empty screen with no help, no suggestion, no guide, no "see similar descriptions"; there is an up-arrow next to the article title to show the top of the article. The app doesn't help people make a quality description beyond checking for a capital letter and no trailing punctuation. There is useful information if you start from Edits > Suggested edits > Article descriptions, which has a blue (i) icon that links to I'm not sure why starting with +ADD ARTICLE DESCRIPTION doesn't have this the blue (i) link.

Environments observed

App version: 2.7.50418-beta-2022-08-08
Android OS versions: 12
Device model: Pixel 3
Device language: English


Reference the new edit summary screen below and use the same design to update screen for Adding article descriptions and image captions when the entry point is from the article CTAs page.

edit-summary-7.png (1×720 px, 82 KB)

Should read "Learn more about Article Descriptions" or "Learn more about Image Captions"


Related Objects

Event Timeline

JTannerWMF added subscribers: scblr, JTannerWMF.

@scblr adding this to your column to provide an example screen from edit summaries. Tag me when done and I will edit the task to make it general for all CTAs and move it to Ready for Dev

JTannerWMF renamed this task from Article's "+ Add article description" call to action has no help or guidance to Article's call to action has no help or guidance which is inconsistent with other .Aug 22 2022, 6:45 PM
JTannerWMF updated the task description. (Show Details)
JTannerWMF removed the point value for this task.

hey @Sharvaniharan – can you provide an apk-link for the review? thanks

Sharvaniharan updated the task description. (Show Details)

Thank you for reminding @scblr 😅 Done.

Hey Sharvani – sorry for moving this to Did not pass Design without any instructions. I posted it to the wrong task (T296952#8212206) 🤦‍♂️.

1) Edit summaries (T296952) use a bigger external link icon, please reuse that one (Figma)

Screenshot 2022-09-05 at 19.24.16.png (1×712 px, 270 KB)
Screenshot_20220905-192239.png (2×1 px, 191 KB)

2) The string for image caption capitalizes the I and C (Image Caption) – can we use lowercase (image caption) writing, respectively, use the right translate wiki variable to be consistent with other places? (e.g. Learn more about article descriptions)

Screenshot_20220905-193039.png (2×1 px, 180 KB)


I am very happy we are pointing to pages on mediawiki instead of a language wiki where it can be translated. Great work team, you inspire me