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Investigation: Explore updating EventDetails page to have 3 separate tabs
Closed, ResolvedPublic3 Estimated Story Points


NOTE: This will be discussed in an engineering meeting.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Engineers should provide feedback on these designs proposed by @gonyeahialam
  • What is doable for V1, and what needs to be changed?
  • What would be the easiest way to implement communication support in V1? We do not need to do this full 3 tab view for V1 if we strongly believe another option is easier for implementation for now, and we can come back to 3 tab view for V2 when it would be more useful. Other alternatives may be to keep EventDetails page as is (in V0) and then only add an extra tab for communication or a modal for communication. Please share ideas and recommendations.
  • Note: 'share' link on eventdetails is not required for V1, and we can work on it separately

Screen Shot 2022-08-25 at 11.49.34 AM.png (910×1 px, 506 KB)

Screen Shot 2022-08-25 at 11.49.45 AM.png (976×1 px, 435 KB)

Screen Shot 2022-08-25 at 11.49.19 AM.png (848×1 px, 273 KB)

Event Timeline

I'm not sure where to write this, but since I'm seeing those screenshots here for the first time, I'm gonna write it here. The "organizers" section cannot be as pictured here. There could be many organizers for an event, which means the comma-separated list could become very long in the best case, and it could cause a DoS in the worst case. We need pagination, or infinite scrolling, or something similar that allows us to limit how many organizers are loaded at once. Another alternative would be to only show say the first 5 organizers in the comma list, but then you're still left with the problem of not having a full list of organizers. As an aside, the comma list does not scale well for when we want to show each organizer with their roles, although that's not V1.

ifried added a subscriber: gonyeahialam.

@Daimona Thank you for this feedback! This is exactly what I was planning to do this ticket -- in other words, get technical feedback on these designs developed by Gregory. @gonyeahialam please see the feedback we have received so far, and more feedback may be coming in. Thanks!

I'm not sure where to write this, but since I'm seeing those screenshots here for the first time, I'm gonna write it here. The "organizers" section cannot be as pictured here. There could be many organizers for an event, which means the comma-separated list could become very long in the best case, and it could cause a DoS in the worst case. We need pagination, or infinite scrolling, or something similar that allows us to limit how many organizers are loaded at once. Another alternative would be to only show say the first 5 organizers in the comma list, but then you're still left with the problem of not having a full list of organizers. As an aside, the comma list does not scale well for when we want to show each organizer with their roles, although that's not V1.

@Daimona will this also apply to the list of organizers on the more details dialog?

Does this design solve the problem: Max of 5 organizers are shown and each time the user clicks on View more it loads the next 5 organizers (depending on how many organizers there are)

Screenshot 2022-08-30 at 16.25.30.png (578×470 px, 42 KB)

(Note: we will be continuing this conversation in T316137)

We are discussing this in the design + engineering meeting now, and some thoughts are:

  • One idea: Merge 'participants' and 'message' into one view, so the UI is simplified
    • Concern with this: UX clutter, especially when we allow more info on participants in V2
vyuen set the point value for this task to 3.Sep 6 2022, 12:38 PM

Investigation has borne fruit: this is entirely possible and also relatively flexible in terms of adding more tabs in future.

What is doable for V1, and what needs to be changed?
The tabbed view for the event details and participants components is basically complete, adding the communications piece once it's complete it not hugely difficult provided it is written in a compatible way.

What would be the easiest way to implement communication support in V1? We do not need to do this full 3 tab view for V1 if we strongly believe another option is easier for implementation for now, and we can come back to 3 tab view for V2 when it would be more useful. Other alternatives may be to keep EventDetails page as is (in V0) and then only add an extra tab for communication or a modal for communication. Please share ideas and recommendations.

Neither tabs nor a standalone page present any particular challenge, if tabs are preferred there is no reason to avoid it for V1.