Classes prefixed with "mw-" should be generated by core yet we've invented quite a few. Please prefix with "vector-" if these classes do not have styles or HTML generated in MediaWiki core. We need to clean this up before deploying everywhere, as gadgets may interpret these as APIs.
- mw-sidebar-action
- mw-article-toolbar-container
- mw-sidebar-action-heading
- mw-sidebar-action-content
- mw-body-subheade
- mw-header-content
Do not touch mw-ui-button and mw-ui-icon
Where possible IDs should also be updated, with exceptions for things that are historically using that ID:
- mw-panel
Developer notes
This will require 2 steps so we don't break cached HTML:
- Add the new selector to the HTML and CSS, retaining the old selector in HTML and CSS. Update CSS to style both. Add some FIXMES to the CSS to make it clearer what needs to be cleaned up.
- Wait for the next release cut.
- Remove the old selectors from HTML and CSS.