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[DESIGN] Investigation: private registration for individual
Closed, ResolvedPublic


NOTE: We are only prioritizing confidential registration on the participant side for V1. We will look into potentially allowing this feature for organizers to turn on for all participants in V2, but we may/may not do it.

As a campaign participant, I want the ability to hide my username from public view on the event page and only be displayed to the organizers of the event, so that I can ensure greater trust and safety when participating in sensitive or controversial events.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Investigate how we can:
    • Add some sort of checkbox or other opt-in device when someone registers for an event for private registration, which means:
      • Only organizers of the event and wiki admins can see the usernames of event participants
      • We can still display the number of participants
    • The organizers/admins should probably see who is registered privately vs. publicly
    • Reason why: They should know who wants to not be in public communication about the event/who wants extra sensitivity around their username

Questions for design:

      • How it should look if you want to register privately (a button, a dialog, etc)
      • If you go to participant list on event details, should it tell the organizer which participants have registered privately?
      • Same for more details dialog on event page
      • What does the participant see? Does it just truncate/remove users from the view who have registered privately?
      • Also what should the private participant see on their end (e.g., a tool tip that says “you can see yourself but other participants can’t)
      • What if a participant wants to change from public to private?
      • What should the user see when they register privately on the event page?
    • Idea: They see their name if they are logged in under their account in the following way: Username (private)
  • How do we display private registrants to public viewers of the event page? Perhaps something like "Private registrants (10"). We don't need to probably list them each individual time.

Potential idea for user flow:

  • When the participant agrees to terms of use and other policy notifications, there can be a checkbox that is checked as default. The box states, "Register for this event publicly." If the user unchecks the box, they register privately. If they accidentally registered publicly, they can then go and unregister and then re-register privately.

Notes on priority and trade-offs:

  • We should aim for a solution that is easier for the engineers to implement and is smaller in scope.

Event Timeline

ldelench_wmf triaged this task as High priority.
ldelench_wmf subscribed.

Discussed at sprint planning: this is highest priority for design now

ldelench_wmf renamed this task from Investigation: confidential registration for individual to [DESIGN] Investigation: confidential registration for individual.Sep 8 2022, 3:47 PM
ldelench_wmf updated the task description. (Show Details)
ifried updated the task description. (Show Details)
ifried updated the task description. (Show Details)
ifried updated the task description. (Show Details)

Discussed at Engineering/Design sync; Gregory will create wireframes for:

  • Updated dialog for agreeing to terms/privacy policy: add button/toggle to register as confidential
  • Updated participant view of participants list: button or toggle for confidential registration option on
    • This will allow participants to change their registration from public to confidential

Design explorations for confidential registration
I wouldn't be around for the Design/Eng meeting tomorrow, so I am dropping some updates here cc @ldelench_wmf @Daimona @cmelo @Daan.L

Registering confidentially
When a user clicks on the Register for Event button, they are shown a dialog that contains the terms/policy and a toggle to show/hide their username from the list of event participants.
The toggle is on by default since we want to show usernames as the default behavior. Daniel and I are thinking of the possibility of adding a tooltip upon hovering on the toggle label that gives extra info ("Only the event organizers and wiki admins will see your username in the participants' list")

Privacy Policy Overlay.png (346×688 px, 34 KB)

Switching confidential registration on/off after registering
Participants can go to the event details dialog(this will also be the same behavior for the Eventdetails page) to turn off confidential registration by clicking on the eye icon toggle button.

More details - In-person only-1.png (902×760 px, 97 KB)
{F35526343, size=full}

To provide a clearer indicator to the users that their usernames are now private/public other than the changing of the eye icon, the usernames can be obscured in different ways e.g

More details - In-person only.png (902×760 px, 97 KB)

Based on my discussion with @ifried today, I got confirmation on:

  • What organizers/admins see: All usernames and an indicator to identify which users registered confidentially.
  • What other participants/site visitors see: All public usernames and just the total number of hidden usernames.


  • Technical feedback on the above ideas by engineers.
  • Feedback on the copy


  • Update the terms and policy copy and improve other UI copy in general
  • Design organizers and participants' view of the participants' list
  • Incorporate feedback given

Technical feedback summary (notes):


  • For V1, only organizers should be able to view private registrants (not admins, not checkusers)
  • Terminology is still being decided (“hidden registration” versus “private registration” - Ilana is working with Legal on this)
  • Only publicly-registered participants will be pushed to the Programs & Events Dashboard
  • We also need wireframes for no-js experience

Registration dialog:

  • “Hello Username1982!” - thought we removed that
  • Add PopupButtonWidget that indicates organizer can still view your username
  • We should only include the most essential information in the dialog and include a link such as “learn more” with a link to documentation around private registration such as:
    • Privately-registered participants will not appear in the participant list, but organizer can still message you
    • If you are registering privately, your contributions will not appear in the Programs & Events Dashboard for that event (which is a disadvantage)

Event details:

  • We should show total number of privately-registered participants on public view:
    • Example:
      • Username1
      • Username2
      • Username3
      • Privately registered participants: 3 (final wording TBD)
  • We should NOT blur the usernames; would present issues with sorting
  • Organizer view will show the complete list of usernames
  • We should add copy somewhere that organizers should not add private participants to the P&E Dashboard
  • Eye icon is not super discoverable; user might not realize it is clickable. Recommend the same toggle we use in the registration dialog, only on the bottom left of event details, with some indication what the toggle is for
ifried renamed this task from [DESIGN] Investigation: confidential registration for individual to [DESIGN] Investigation: private registration for individual.Sep 30 2022, 8:08 PM
ifried updated the task description. (Show Details)
ifried added a subscriber: gonyeahialam.

Thank you, @gonyeahialam! We will discuss this in the design + engineering meeting tomorrow. Is it possible to get an example of how private registration would look on the EventDetails page? Thanks!

Proposed Design

Public registration onPublic registration off
Event privacy dialog - Public registration on.png (338×760 px, 35 KB)
Event privacy dialog - Public registration off.png (338×760 px, 37 KB)

User flow

  • Users click on the Register for event button.
  • They are shown the event privacy dialog with public registration ON by default.
  • They can switch it off if they need to or leave it as it is.
  • The text under the switch button changes based on whether public registration is on or off.
  • They then proceed to register for the event.
Screen Recording 2022-10-06 at 11.26.40.gif (1×1 px, 865 KB)

Link to prototype
Link to design specs

We are now implementing this work on the engineering side, so I will mark this ticket as Done.