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Design Input: Implement support for private registration in EventDetails
Closed, DuplicatePublic


NOTE: We will need design input on how the EventDetails page will look for organizers and for non-organizers once we have the private registration feature. For example: how will private registrants appear to event organizers? How will they appear to everyone else who is not an organizer?

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Only display private registrants to organizers in EventDetails
  • The user interface should function in the following way:
    • Private registrant usernames should be displayed to organizers
      • Organizers should see some visual indicator of who is a private registrant. We are still determining what is the icon of choice, but it would be something like an eye that is crossed out next to the username of the private registrant.
    • Private registrant usernames should not be displayed to non-organizers. Instead, non-organizers should just see the number of private registrants in the participant list (for example: "13 private registrations"). The reason why we want to display the number of private registrations is so that people don't think we have a bug in our code and miscalculated the number of registrants.

Event Timeline

ifried renamed this task from Implement support for private registration in EventDetails to Design Input: Implement support for private registration in EventDetails.Sep 29 2022, 5:21 PM
ifried assigned this task to gonyeahialam.
ifried updated the task description. (Show Details)