As of writing this task, this can only be done directly in the DB, more info here:
Essentially, we have a cloud vps project, metricsinfra, where we have a setup with prometheus(alertmanager), specifically, there's a host
That is used to generate the alerts for prometheus from a DB hosted in trove.
You have to login into that DB, to do that ssh into and run sudo -i mariadb.
There you have the prometheusconfig database, with the table alerts, that you have to update with the alerts that you want to add, an example row:
*************************** 1. row *************************** id: 1 project_id: 12 name: GridQueueProblem expr: sge_queueproblems{project="toolsbeta",state=~".*(e|E).*"} duration: 30m severity: warn annotations: {"summary": "Grid queue {{ $labels.queue }}@{{ $ }} is in state {{ $labels.state }}", "runbook": ""}
The column expr is the prometheus expression that you want to monitor, you can find out, check and test them here:
(probably something like sum(kube_pod_status_phase{namespace="tekton-pipelines", phase="Running"})>0 might be enough)
Another place you can use to find the expression to use is:
Inspecting the graphs there and the datasources you will be able to see which prometheus instance and which expression are the ones that give you the data you want.
About the alert itself, it should have also an annotation called 'service' with the value 'toolforge,build_service'.