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Leveling up notifications shouldn't be truncated from Notices panel
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Split from this comment on T328288

  1. A user receives Leveling up notifications. The second line is displayed with ellipses:

Screen Shot 2023-03-21 at 3.18.07 PM.png (734×1 px, 110 KB)

  1. A user can see the whole text only on Special:Notifications page:

Screen Shot 2023-03-20 at 6.13.59 PM.png (776×1 px, 134 KB)


  • a user should see all content from notification


  • some long notifications (user-right) do not use the body text, only a header:

Screen Shot 2023-03-21 at 3.11.25 PM.png (410×1 px, 59 KB)

  • the keep going notification may use only a header to display the whole text, e.g.

Screen Shot 2023-03-21 at 3.09.13 PM.png (548×1 px, 82 KB)

Acceptance Criteria:

Update Leveling up notification copy as outlined below:

notificationOLD header copyOLD body copyNEW header copyNEW body copy
T328288: Leveling up: "Keep going" notificationKeep making suggested edits to develop your editing skillsYou’ve made $1 suggested edits. Keep going to learn more new skills.You’ve made $1 suggested edits. Keep going to learn more new skills.
T322435: Leveling Up: "Get started" notificationTry a suggested edit and start building your editing skillsSuggested edits help new editors learn about Wikipedia best practices, and develop core editing skills.Try a suggested edit and start building your editing skills

Event Timeline

Restricted Application added a subscriber: Aklapper. · View Herald Transcript
kostajh added a project: Growth Design.

I think this task needs some design input before we can do anything more (there are also some notes in T328288#8716486). Any fix we'd come up with should apply to all Echo notification types, not just "Leveling up" notifications.

I think this task needs some design input before we can do anything more (there are also some notes in T328288#8716486). Any fix we'd come up with should apply to all Echo notification types, not just "Leveling up" notifications.

I agree this should be considered in a change in design across all Echo Notifications. Having said that, I don't agree with the premise that the secondary text should show more than one line in the drawer since I believe it was by design, to encourage brevity in the notification text.

In T332744#8718006, @RHo wrote:
Having said that, I don't agree with the premise that the secondary text should show more than one line in the drawer since I believe it was by design, to encourage brevity in the notification text.

Thanks for the Design Guide link, that confirms my suspicions:
Content will be presented in lighter grey and truncated to avoid it to get in the way of quickly scanning notifications.

So it sounds like we should either rethink copy or just accept that the messages will be truncated?

I'll update the task title to make this more general...

KStoller-WMF renamed this task from Leveling up notifications should display wrapped text to Leveling up notifications shouldn't be truncated from Notices panel.Mar 22 2023, 4:24 PM

Thanks for the Design Guide link, that confirms my suspicions:
Content will be presented in lighter grey and truncated to avoid it to get in the way of quickly scanning notifications.

Note that "content" here refers specifically to wiki content (page text, edit summary etc) which can be very long and isn't under the control of the product feature issuing the notification (and the notifications will in some form link to it anyway so not much is lost by truncating). So the root issue is that we are using the secondary text for a different purpose than originally conceived. We should probably just move the entire message into the main text (which can span multiple lines).

(The PHP interface unhelpfully calls the main text "header" and the content excerpt "body" but that doesn't at all reflect their intended purpose.)

In T332744#8719136, @Tgr wrote:
We should probably just move the entire message into the main text (which can span multiple lines).

That makes sense, but I also think we can be more concise. What do you all think of the following change?

notificationOLD header copyOLD body copyNEW header copyNEW body copy
T328288: Leveling up: "Keep going" notificationKeep making suggested edits to develop your editing skillsYou’ve made $1 suggested edits. Keep going to learn more new skills.You’ve made $1 suggested edits. Keep going to learn more new skills.
T322435: Leveling Up: "Get started" notificationTry a suggested edit and start building your editing skillsSuggested edits help new editors learn about Wikipedia best practices, and develop core editing skills.Try a suggested edit and start building your editing skills

Presumably we can reuse existing translations if we recycle the existing strings in this way and just exclude any text in the body.

Change 906797 had a related patch set uploaded (by Gergő Tisza; author: Gergő Tisza):

[mediawiki/extensions/GrowthExperiments@master] Leveling up: Reword Echo notifications

Change 906797 merged by jenkins-bot:

[mediawiki/extensions/GrowthExperiments@master] Leveling up: Reword Echo notifications

Checked in betalabs - the issue is fixed:

Screen Shot 2023-04-17 at 5.43.22 PM.png (642×1 px, 88 KB)