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Actually decide on the exact format of the EntitySchema concept URI
Closed, ResolvedPublic


To move forward, we require a clear decision on what the concept URI of EntitySchemas is going to look like exactly.

As I understand it, the remaining open question is about the prefix (http vs https). See T331356 for some related debate and also considerations of the German National Library on topic: .
Further, that decision should probably briefly restate the core argument(s) for choosing the /entity/ path.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • The decision about the precise format is made
  • The decision, including the main arguments, is publicly documented somewhere that is suitable for linking

Event Timeline

From my end, to maintain consistency with the other concept URI prefixes, I think http makes the most sense here.

ItamarWMDE closed this task as Resolved.EditedApr 3 2023, 9:18 AM
ItamarWMDE claimed this task.
ItamarWMDE subscribed.

Thank you, @Arian_Bozorg for this decision, we will move forward with the http:// schema protocol in this case.