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BUG FIX: Display of SecurePoll logs
Closed, ResolvedPublic2 Estimated Story PointsBUG REPORT


Steps to replicate the issue (include links if applicable):

What happens?:
The logs are shown as text and not HTML

Screenshot 2023-04-10 at 12.00.16 PM.png (1×2 px, 263 KB)

What should have happened instead?:
Logs are shown nicely with links

Event Timeline

Change 907513 had a related patch set uploaded (by AGueyte; author: AGueyte):

[mediawiki/extensions/SecurePoll@master] Fix SecurePoll Logs display

AGueyte renamed this task from FIX BUG: Display of SecurePoll logs to BUG FIX: Display of SecurePoll logs.Apr 10 2023, 6:48 PM
AGueyte claimed this task.
AGueyte set Final Story Points to 1.
AGueyte changed Final Story Points from 1 to 2.Apr 12 2023, 8:53 PM

Change 907513 merged by jenkins-bot:

[mediawiki/extensions/SecurePoll@master] Fix SecurePoll Logs display

AGueyte set the point value for this task to 2.Apr 13 2023, 5:17 PM

@AGueyte Logs are now shown nicely with links, thanks!

OS: macOS 13.2
Browser: Chrome 112
Skins: Vector 2010

Local- SQLite

T334421_SecurePoll_LogsText_SQLite.png (837×1 px, 149 KB)

Beta- MySQL

T334421_SecurePoll_LogsText_MySQL.png (633×1 px, 106 KB)

@AGueyte Before I move this to Done, I just wanted to see with you if this is an issue. First one is the spacing in Minerva as seen in the screenshot. Also the bullet points are vertically line up differently like other skins since the aren't lined up with the Submit button.

Test Link:

Minerva: Local & Beta - Spaced far apart? Also, the bullet points are vertically lined up with the Submit button

T334421_SecurePoll_Logs_MinervaSpacing.png (770×1 px, 90 KB)

Vector 2022 ,2010 Timeless & Monobook - Spacing is tight. Bullet points are not lined up with the Submit button.

T334421_SecurePoll_Logs_OtherSkinsSpacing.png (721×1 px, 103 KB)

This looks good to me on Minerva!

Ok sounds good, I'll move this to Done. Thanks!