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Deployment of Search Preview on CA, HU, NL, NO, UA Wikipedia
Closed, ResolvedPublic


What is the problem?

As part of the work on the Structured Data Across Wikimedia (SDAW) grant, we defined five more communities we will focus on in the next months for the new Search Preview feature, in order to gather feedback. These communities are Catalan, Dutch, Hungarian, Norwegian, and Ukrainian Wikipedia.

The relation with these five communities will be managed by the SDAW Community Relations Specialist.

How can we help you?

We need to establish a communication framework for the target communities, which will allow us to communicate properly and timely with them.

What does success look like?

  • A general announce about the deployment of the tool is released on target communities
  • There is general consensus about the deployment from the communities
  • There is a constant flow of informations between the SDAW team and the communities.

What is your deadline?

We expect the actions to be carried on during April and May 2023.

Event Timeline

Sannita changed the task status from Open to In Progress.Apr 11 2023, 9:31 AM
Sannita moved this task from Backlog to Started on the MoveComms-Support (Apr-Jun-2023) board.

Message to the five communities successfully delivered today, waiting for a response from target communities. Feedback period will be open until May 5.

Sannita renamed this task from Deployment of Search Preview on CA, HU, FI, NL, NO Wikipedia to Deployment of Search Preview on CA, HU, NL, NO, UA Wikipedia.May 8 2023, 10:11 AM
Sannita updated the task description. (Show Details)

Updating task to reflect the "no consensus" status on Finnish Wikipedia, and the fact that we're trying to replace it with Ukrainian Wikipedia (feedback period still ongoing).