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Special:LintErrors/missing-end-tag: missing-end-tags not listed when start-tags nested in system template DISPLAYTITLE
Open, MediumPublicBUG REPORT


source text: {{DISPLAYTITLE:''<span style="color:#ABCDEF;">Benutzer:Doc Taxon/Lint}}

note, that <i>-tag and <span>-tag (started in DISPLAYTITLE template) are not closed

both missing-end-tag errors should be listed at , but they are not listed there

Event Timeline

Once T294621: Parsoid DISPLAYTITLE handling is broken/gone is resolved, this is likely to get resolved as well. But leaving it behind in case to make sure we check this.

Once T294621: Parsoid DISPLAYTITLE handling is broken/gone is resolved, this is likely to get resolved as well. But leaving it behind in case to make sure we check this.

It looks like the solution there takes Parsoid out of the business of parsing the displaytitle's wikitext, which is moving in the opposite direction of fixing this issue.

Arlolra triaged this task as Medium priority.Aug 17 2023, 5:54 PM