Steps to replicate the issue (include links if applicable):
- using your laptop, open this page on enwiki (the Tool menu has to be closed and the table of contents open browser should be 1000px)
- look at the References section
- now, open the same page with the same configuration, but with Vector Legacy (direct link)
- look at the References section
What happens?:
- using Vector Legacy references are splitted in two columns by default; whereas using Vector 2022 references are shown in a single wide column by default
More details regarding mw-references-wrap mw-references-columns :
- Vector 2022: the "References" content-width is 680px by default; I can force the switching from 1 to 2 columns using column-width: 26em
- Vector Legacy: the "References" content-width is 775px by default; the switching from 1 to 2 columns is happening at column-width: 30em
What should have happened instead?:
Consider displaying references splitted in two columns on narrow screen by default, both in Vector and Vector 2022, when the configuration is the same.
Software version (skip for WMF-hosted wikis like Wikipedia):
Other information (browser name/version, screenshots, etc.):
reported here on the MediaWiki talk page; other discussions have been made about this issue previously, I have to search them and I will add links later
I can reproduce it using the Firefox development tools (setting iPad, iPadOS 14.7.1, Safari 14.1, screen resolution 810x1080)
Vector (by default) | Vector 2022 (by default) |
Reduce the column width of references from 30em to 25em;