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Adding full-width flex to mw-indicators breaks the title on Special page
Closed, ResolvedPublic


After adding the suggested edits for having the mw-indicators and ORES page quality indicator spread across the whole title, using flex css solution, the special pages titles are broken, as the mw-indicators (which are not present) take nearly all the width.


irudia.png (171×1 px, 10 KB)

irudia.png (163×1 px, 14 KB)

I'm not opening the parent task, as asked for not doing it, but still this may be an issue to document there.

Event Timeline

I can solve this adding

.ns--1 .mw-indicators {display:none;}

but I don't know if this will break any other thing or I can just hide a feature from displaying safely.

I don't know if this will break any other thing

Yes, definitely – there are many special pages that have indicators, e.g.

Using .vector-body-before-content .mw-indicators instead of .mw-indicators in the existing rule fixes special pages (tested on the search and the statistics page) without any changes in articles (tested in, but I don’t know how future-proof it is.

Because there is another, still not qualified rule at line 30. You should probably merge them.

Theklan claimed this task.

Thanks for the help. After months, now the result is great again!

irudia.png (163×1 px, 26 KB)