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Special:Nearby shows English on non-English language wikis
Closed, ResolvedPublic0 Estimated Story PointsBUG REPORT


Steps to replicate the issue (include links if applicable):

What happens?:
Labels and descriptions for places are displayed in English. Even when French or German labels and descriptions has been entered in Wikidata.

What should have happened instead?:

Labels and descriptions should be displayed in wiki language. This is what happened until recently.

QA Results - Prod


Event Timeline

Anoop renamed this task from Special:Nearby shows English on non-English langage wikis to Special:Nearby shows English on non-English language wikis.Jul 1 2023, 6:56 AM

I see that my web browser (Firefox) gets a json file from an url with "&uselang=en" to get these descriptions and labels:*&formatversion=2&prop=coordinates%7Cpageprops%7Cpageimages%7Cdescription%7Cinfo%7Cpageterms&inprop=url&colimit=max&generator=geosearch&ggsradius=10000&ggsnamespace=0&ggslimit=50&redirects=no&uselang=en&ppprop=displaytitle&piprop=thumbnail&pithumbsize=150&pilimit=50&codistancefrompage=Mont%20Blanc&ggspage=Mont%20Blanc

I notice that some changes wwre made to NearbyPages in the current software updates to Wikipedia sites:
"Drop use of mw.config and use packageFiles instead" by @Jdlrobson looks like something that could cause unexpected changes to language configuration.

Change 934465 had a related patch set uploaded (by Func; author: Func):

[mediawiki/extensions/NearbyPages@master] Fix display language of nearby pages

The Wikidata Nearby show no language at all, will this be fixed also?

Change 934465 merged by jenkins-bot:

[mediawiki/extensions/NearbyPages@master] Fix display language of nearby pages

Jdlrobson set the point value for this task to 0.

Needs QA in production (on 13th July).

Edtadros closed this task as Resolved.EditedJul 17 2023, 4:40 PM
Edtadros removed Edtadros as the assignee of this task.
Edtadros subscribed.

Test Result - Prod

Status: ✅ PASS
Environment: frwiki, dewiki, wikidata
OS: macOS Ventura
Browser: Chrome
Device: MBP
Emulated Device:NA

Test Artifact(s):

QA Steps

Go to Special:Nearby on a non-English language wikipedia, such as or,6.0262,-122.4686111
✅ AC1: Labels and descriptions should be displayed in wiki language.

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