More about Outreachy program:
Before the program starts
- Recruit organization administrators @Sheilakaruku
- Setup Zulip chat stream for Outreachy Round 27
- Set up a Outreachy Round 27 page on
- Create a Outreachy-Round-27 project tag on Phabricator
- Sign up as a mentoring organization on Google Summer of Code and Outreachy's website
- Recruit ideas for projects and mentors. Call for projects announcement in the following possible venues:
- Wikitech-l
- Wikimedia-l
- Wikidata-I
- Wikimedia Foundation Optional mailing list
- Telegram channels and
- WMF Slack Channels (#general, #product-tech-dept)
- Newsletters (Wikimedia Technical Community)
- Maybe Twitter/ Facebook (wikimediatech, Wikimedia)
- English Wikimedia Discord #technical channel
- Get mentors to submit their project proposal on Outreachy's website.
- Create a private stream on Zulip for mentors where they can ask each other questions about the program.
After the applications open
- Promote Wikimedia's participation in Outreachy
- Optional: Participate in the Outreachy Twitter chat
After the application deadline
- Start an email thread with mentors and facilitate the selection process
After the results are announced
- Send accepted participants a congratulations email and instructions to join Zulip, community building, etc.
- Send rejected participants an email with opportunities to stay involved Notified on Phabricator tickets.
- Update the program page on MediaWiki with necessary information (accepted candidates, next steps, etc)
- Organize a welcome call for mentors and interns
During the program
- Remind students to continue working on projects and write reports.
- Host three sessions for interns to allow space for peer-to-peer sharing.
- Opening
- Middle
- Closing
- Outreachy contract renewal.
- Ask a tech admin in WMF to provide latest doc for generating contract request
- Provide relevant info in the contract doc
- Ask tech admin to enter it in Coupa for legal review
- In the meantime obtain invoice from SFC
- Add finance members to the Coupa request to review it and make payment
- Organize a check-in session for mentors
After the program
- Host a project showcase
- Write a blog post:
- Archive the workboards on Phabricator
- Update wiki page