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Migrate former Platform team service to GitLab
Open, Needs TriagePublic


Repos on Gerrit:

Open questions:

Note: RESTbase may be a special case - sync goes from Github->Gerrit currently. Would love to break that relationship though.

Event Timeline

Krinkle subscribed.

Sorry, mistagged. While some of these were indeed in the "API Value Stream" of the former Platform Eng team, as I understand most/all of these were moved to other teams. AQS is DataEng now I think? Thumbor I'm not sure, serviceops?

@thcipriani We're reviewing tasks for AQS2.0 - we're trying to figure out a priority for migrating the AQS 2 services to gitlab. Is there an articulation that says "if you port then it has <the following benefits? for your repo or releng's work".

For us there will be a cost in changing our deployment mechanism and right now we want to do this work but it doesn't rise enough in priority yet for us to be able to resource it. Obviously, support RelEng is a major factor for us so if this would be a significant help for all your alls goals then that is good to know.