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Make the two sections in the Enable Registration form to be in a single rectangle
Open, Needs TriagePublic


Make the two sections in the Enable Registration form to be in a single rectangle instead of each section having its own rectangle
Current implementation

Screenshot 2023-10-03 at 12.45.14 PM.png (1×2 px, 295 KB)
Screen Recording 2023-10-03 at 1.05.26 PM.gif (1×3 px, 2 MB)

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That's how the standard form sectioning works, each section is put inside those rectangles. We could have a rectangle for the whole form, but that's only available when the form itself has a legend, which it doesn't in this case.

Is this task blocking the release?

That's how the standard form sectioning works, each section is put inside those rectangles. We could have a rectangle for the whole form, but that's only available when the form itself has a legend, which it doesn't in this case.

Is this task blocking the release?

If it is not an easy fix, it doesn't need to block release.

What would it take for the form to have a legend?

That's how the standard form sectioning works, each section is put inside those rectangles. We could have a rectangle for the whole form, but that's only available when the form itself has a legend, which it doesn't in this case.

Is this task blocking the release?

If it is not an easy fix, it doesn't need to block release.

It's not really a matter of complexity, but rather consistency. Every form in MediaWiki which has section wraps those sections in rectangles.

What would it take for the form to have a legend?

We would just need a message for the legend itself. But I realize that maybe I haven't been clear. If we add a form legend, then the whole form will be inside a single rectangle, BUT the two sections will still have their own rectangles. This is what it would look like:

image.png (1×1 px, 199 KB)


@Daimona In the future, the form may become longer and will need to be further broken down into more sections. It would be cluttered to have many such rectangles. We can explore this at that time or if another need requires it.