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[EPIC] Participant Questions - MVP
Closed, ResolvedPublic


NOTE: This epic was formerly known as: [EPIC] Organizer can collect optional PII on event participants - MVP.

Design spec

User story:

As an organizer, I want the option of collecting information on my event participants, so that I can better understand who is showing up to my events, report out demographic information to stakeholders or grant officers, be able to identify any gaps that need to be addressed, and understand how I can best serve the needs of my participants.


Right now, many organizers in the movement collect personal information on participants in off-wiki registration solutions, since there is no way to do this on-wiki. We want to create a safer, more privacy-centered way for them to do this on the wikis, so that organizers can still get data on who is showing up to their events while participants can have more privacy around their data and how it is collected.

Acceptance Criteria for MVP:
  • Organizers are not required to sign an NDA to use this feature, but instead will need to agree to a clickwrap agreement (T334761) to view PII data.
  • Organizers cannot select the questions they want to ask, all the questions would be shown to the participants and they may choose to answer or not (see also T322332).
  • Participants may (optionally) answer the questions the organizer has selected as they are registering for the event (details in T322332).
  • The word (optional) appears on all questions, so participants understand that none are required.
  • Organizers can see participants' answers to these questions in the UI, only for events which they are an assigned organizer:
    • For answers to questions marked (PII) above: if and only if there are 10+ responses, responses will be pulled into an aggregate view. Organizers will NOT be able to view PII answers associated with usernames.
      • If there are less than 10 responses per PII question, the organizer will see the following text: "This question has received less than 10 total responses."
      • If there are least 10 total responses per PII question, and:
        • If there are at least 5 individual responses: The organizer will see the specific aggregate number of individual responses (for example: "5 women")
        • If there are less than 5 individual responses: The organizer will see a "less than" range rather than a specific number, marked as "Less than 5 [answer]" (for example, "Less than 5 women")
    • For answers to questions marked (not PII) above: regardless of response count, responses will be pulled into both the participant list (associated with usernames) AND the aggregate view.
  • For the retention period between the time a participant answers questions for the first time and 90 days after that point, OR when the event ends (whichever is first):
    • Participants may change and remove their responses.
    • Participants are able to see how they have responded, but no other participants' responses.
    • Participants are able to change their answers and answer questions they had previously skipped.
    • Participants are able to remove their answers.
    • This means PII and non-PII data will be associated with usernames in the database (but not visible in the UI for organizers or other participants) from the time a participants registers for an event through the event's end date.
  • If participants answer questions for event A, their answers will NOT carry over to event B. For event B they would need to re-answer ALL questions.
  • Data for PII and non-PII data are handled in the same way
  • Organizers and participants can access information with further details on how the data will be used and stored.
    • Likely covered via combination of documentation and T334761.
  • Additional Question Data-Handling:
    • Open text field will be used only for the Affiliate membership question and the question's wording will be constrained such that participants are not invited to enter in PII information.
    • Participants will not be asked to specify their age categories if under 25
Questions and answers for MVP
  • What is your gender identity? (optional) (PII) Participants may choose one option from the following:
    • Prefer not to say
    • Man
    • Woman
    • Agender
    • Non-binary
    • Gender not listed (no free text option)
  • What is your age? (optional) (PII) Participants may choose one option from the following:
    • Under 25
    • 25-34
    • 35-44
    • 45-54
    • 55-64
    • 65-74
    • 75-84
    • 85+
  • What is your profession? (optional) (PII) Participants may choose one option from the following:
    • Artist/creative professional
    • Educator
    • Librarian
    • Mass media professional
    • Museum or archive professional
    • Non-profit professional
    • Researcher
    • Software engineer
    • Student
    • Profession not listed (no free text option)
  • How confident do you feel contributing to the Wikimedia projects involved in this event? (optional) (not PII) Participants may choose one option from the following:
    • Prefer not to say
    • I have never contributed to a Wikimedia project before
    • I have some experience, but don't feel confident
    • I have some experience, and feel confident contributing, but would like to learn more
    • I am confident that I can contribute without any support
  • Do you belong to any Wikimedia affiliates (chapters, user groups, thematic organizations)? (optional) (not PII) Participants may choose one option from the following:
    • Yes (which leads to an open string field for persons to type in which affiliate(s) they belong to)
    • No
Out of scope for MVP:
  • Additional PII questions, such as:
    • Language
    • Location
    • Devices
    • Have you previously joined an event (may be best served programmatically)
    • In what ways have you contributed to Wikimedia projects in the past (e.g., commons uploads, editing wikipedia, contributing to wikisource, contributing to wikidata, software development, etc)
    • Transportation
    • Internet access
    • Why are you joining event
    • Choose some topics you are interested in editing
  • Filtering/dashboarding of PII data (T329004)
  • Geolocation-dependent questions (e.g., certain gender options appearing or not appearing based on event location)
  • Ability for organizers to create their own questions/answer options
    • We should continue asking organizers what questions they would like to add to the registration form.
  • Global or per-wiki edit counts in the organizer view
  • Automatic access to participant answers for users with extended rights on Meta-Wiki (e.g., admins, checkusers, stewards)
  • Export or automatic report generation for collected PII data (e.g., to CSV) (T328797)
Stage Tracking
  • Strategize
  • Discover
  • Define - in progress
  • Develop - in progress
  • Deliver
  • Own

Related Objects


Event Timeline

There are a very large number of changes, so older changes are hidden. Show Older Changes

Jotting down some clarification: Some affiliates are known as affiliates others are known as user groups, others thematic organizations, others chapters. All are affiliates.

@ifried notes that the below AC, which is in the Description at the top of this ticket, was set over the last two quarters and that @VPuffetMichel
may be able to shed light on the details:

AC: "For answers to questions marked (not PII) above: regardless of response count, responses will be pulled into both the participant list (associated with usernames) AND the aggregate view."

My questions on this AC:
Does this mean that the data will be viewed on the public page (participant list) and for the organizer (aggregate view) as well?
Or how do we understand the difference between the participant list and the aggregate view... how do they differ and who has access to each?

The answer to the above may impact considerations for the pending question on

@ifried notes that the below AC, which is in the Description at the top of this ticket, was set over the last two quarters and that @VPuffetMichel
may be able to shed light on the details:

AC: "For answers to questions marked (not PII) above: regardless of response count, responses will be pulled into both the participant list (associated with usernames) AND the aggregate view."

My questions on this AC:
Does this mean that the data will be viewed on the public page (participant list) and for the organizer (aggregate view) as well?

Non-PII responses are shown only to organizers (event creator and additional organizers) on the participant list tab and in an aggregate format in the Response statistics tab.

Or how do we understand the difference between the participant list and the aggregate view... how do they differ and who has access to each?

The aggregate responses are only available to organizers who have accepted the clickwrap agreement.
Current design

Participants listAggregate responses
Screenshot 2023-07-20 at 10.59.26.png (1×2 px, 357 KB)
Screenshot 2023-07-20 at 11.00.42.png (1×1 px, 191 KB)

Note: I have filed an internal ticket to finalize how we handle non-PII data, and an answer should be coming soon.

ifried updated the task description. (Show Details)

Checking in here to confirm that agender and non-binary should not be capitalized?

@gonyeahialam, do you know the answer to the question brought up by Vaughn above?

Checking in here to confirm that agender and non-binary should not be capitalized?

I'm going to assume this isn't intentional, judging from the diff in T321822#9008974. Also, all other options are capitalized.

Okay, so are we okay to change that in the AC then @gonyeahialam @Daimona ?

Okay, so are we okay to change that in the AC then @gonyeahialam @Daimona ?

Yup, done.

Hello! @gonyeahialam and @ldelench_wmf: Do you happen to know why we have the order we do for the questions (for example, why age is first?). I ask because in some tickets/prototypes it seems like gender was first, and then it changed to age first. Thanks!

Hello! @gonyeahialam and @ldelench_wmf: Do you happen to know why we have the order we do for the questions (for example, why age is first?). I ask because in some tickets/prototypes it seems like gender was first, and then it changed to age first. Thanks!

I don't think we ever intentionally decided on a particular order. But demographic information (age, gender, profession) is first then wiki information(confidence, affiliate) is next.

Hello! @gonyeahialam and @ldelench_wmf: Do you happen to know why we have the order we do for the questions (for example, why age is first?). I ask because in some tickets/prototypes it seems like gender was first, and then it changed to age first. Thanks!

I don't think we ever intentionally decided on a particular order. But demographic information (age, gender, profession) is first then wiki information(confidence, affiliate) is next.

If order of demographic information is not important, is it fine as it currently is in the code with What is your gender identity? coming before What is your age? and if so can we make that change in this ticket?

ifried changed the status of subtask T334761: Clickwrap Agreement from Stalled to In Progress.Sep 7 2023, 2:28 PM

@gonyeahialam: See question above from Vaughn. Thanks!

I've swapped the "gender" and "age" questions in the AC per above.

Daimona changed the task status from Open to In Progress.Nov 16 2023, 2:17 PM

All subtasks have been closed, hence boldly resolving this.