Acceptance criteria
- The new column for T341142 is created in beta wikishared.
- Wait for the patch which adds the new column to be merged
- Create the column with default in beta:
- Connect via SSH
- Log in #wikimedia-releng: !log Adding new column for the CampaignEvents extension in beta wikishared # T341642
- Then run the following command:
$ sql wikishared --write
ALTER TABLE campaign_events ADD COLUMN event_answers_status INT DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL;
- Wait for the patch which drops the default to be merged
- Drop the default value in beta:
- Connect via SSH
- Log in #wikimedia-releng: !log Dropping default from campaign_events.event_answers_status column in beta wikishared # T341642
- Then run the following command:
$ sql wikishared --write
ALTER TABLE campaign_events ALTER COLUMN event_answers_status DROP DEFAULT;