In T259163#9350922 and below, it was confirmed that all legacy EventLogging MobileWikiApp* schemas and streams can be decommissioned.
These schemas were not migrated to Event Platform.
Once @SNowick_WMF confirms in a comment on this task, these can be decommissioned.
Instructions for decommissioning
- Add these schemas to the eventlogging_schemas_disabled list to prevent eventlogging-processor from producing these events.
Delete the data:
- Delete the eventlogging_MobileWikiApp* topics from Kafka
- Drop the event.MobileWikiApp* tables from Hive
- Delete the /wmf/data/event/mobilewikiapp* directories from HDFS
- Delete the /wmf/data/raw/eventlogging_legacy/eventlogging_MobileWikiApp* directories from HDFS
- OPTIONAL: Delete the MobileAppWiki* metawiki schemas by editing them an emptying their content.
List of MobileWikiApp* to decom
- MobileWikiAppABTest
- MobileWikiAppAppearanceSettings
- MobileWikiAppArticleSuggestions
- MobileWikiAppCreateAccount
- MobileWikiAppDailyStats
- MobileWikiAppEdit
- MobileWikiAppFeed
- MobileWikiAppFeedConfigure
- MobileWikiAppFindInPage
- MobileWikiAppInstallReferrer
- MobileWikiAppIntents
- MobileWikiAppiOSEditHistoryCompare
- MobileWikiAppiOSFeed
- MobileWikiAppiOSLoginAction
- MobileWikiAppiOSReadingLists
- MobileWikiAppiOSSearch
- MobileWikiAppiOSSessions
- MobileWikiAppiOSSettingAction
- MobileWikiAppiOSUserHistory
- MobileWikiAppLangSelect
- MobileWikiAppLanguageSearching
- MobileWikiAppLanguageSettings
- MobileWikiAppLinkPreview
- MobileWikiAppLogin
- MobileWikiAppMediaGallery
- MobileWikiAppNavMenu
- MobileWikiAppNotificationInteraction
- MobileWikiAppNotificationPreferences
- MobileWikiAppOnboarding
- MobileWikiAppOnThisDay
- MobileWikiAppPageScroll
- MobileWikiAppProtectedEditAttempt
- MobileWikiAppRandomizer
- MobileWikiAppReadingLists
- MobileWikiAppSavedPages
- MobileWikiAppSearch
- MobileWikiAppSessions
- MobileWikiAppShareAFact
- MobileWikiAppSuggestedEdits
- MobileWikiAppTabs
- MobileWikiAppToCInteraction
- MobileWikiAppUserContribution
- MobileWikiAppWidgets
- MobileWikiAppWiktionaryPopup