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[S] [mobile-minor] Upload Wizard: display issues
Closed, ResolvedPublic


All examples below are done for 412-width screen.

(1) Click on "This someone else's work..." and click on "Select a different license...".

  • The default width of displayed field doesn't fit the screen width
  • A user cannot see the "Preview" button at the end of the field


Screen Shot 2023-12-13 at 1.09.06 PM.png (1×732 px, 136 KB)

(2) (minor) The options have a rather big left indent. That makes the warning messages to be displayed narrow.

Screen Shot 2023-12-13 at 1.07.51 PM.png (1×730 px, 170 KB)

Screen Shot 2023-12-13 at 1.08.10 PM.png (1×734 px, 140 KB)
Screen Shot 2024-01-05 at 4.56.34 PM.png (1×814 px, 151 KB)

Event Timeline

@Etonkovidova thanks for capturing these issues. #1 can be made similar to other fields so it does not go off the screen. #2 I notice that there is more indentation than required in the desktop too which is not a huge problem. But I think we can remove all indentations on mobile since we do not have that many nested questions.

MarkTraceur renamed this task from [mobile-minor] Upload Wizard: display issues to [S] [mobile-minor] Upload Wizard: display issues.Jan 11 2024, 7:17 PM

Change 990714 had a related patch set uploaded (by Cparle; author: Cparle):

[mediawiki/extensions/UploadWizard@master] Reduce indentation on narrower screens

For #2 I made a patch to update indentation for smaller screens

For #1 there's a larger issue here in that you can't see the "next" button once the screen width goes under 733px ... and the reason for that is min-width for #uploadWizard is set to 750px, which is the width of the tutorial image. IMO the "preview" button issue is less important than this (and would be fixed if we fixed this ... though I'm not sure what the best way to fix it is). @Sneha what do you think?

@Cparle I just tested mobile view on widths under 733px and I don't see any issues with the next button. Could you share a screenshot? As for the preview button may be we could move the button below the text box and make text box the same size as the rest of the text boxes on the screen?

Change 990714 merged by jenkins-bot:

[mediawiki/extensions/UploadWizard@master] Reduce indentation on narrower screens

Weirdly the behaviour when resizing works differently in my local environment and on production, and it turns out it's due to a gadget on commons. Raised T355248 to deal with that, when that's done I can return to finishing this off

Change 991590 had a related patch set uploaded (by Cparle; author: Cparle):

[mediawiki/extensions/UploadWizard@master] Make license preview resize along with everything else

Change 991590 merged by jenkins-bot:

[mediawiki/extensions/UploadWizard@master] Make license preview resize along with everything else

Checked in betalabs. Below are comparison screenshots - before the fix (from the task description) and after.
@Sneha - except for the "Preview" button position, all look fine to me. The case with "Preview" button might be filed as a separate task (if needed).

Screenshots from the task descriptionAfter the fix
Screen Shot 2023-12-13 at 1.09.06 PM.png (1×732 px, 136 KB)
Checked for the width 412px and 430px - the position of "Preview" button is the same
Screen Shot 2024-02-02 at 12.15.42 PM.png (1×878 px, 169 KB)
Screen Shot 2023-12-13 at 1.07.51 PM.png (1×730 px, 170 KB)
Screen Shot 2024-02-02 at 1.25.14 PM.png (1×908 px, 255 KB)
Screen Shot 2023-12-13 at 1.08.10 PM.png (1×734 px, 140 KB)
Screen Shot 2024-02-02 at 11.51.41 AM.png (1×890 px, 230 KB)
Screen Shot 2024-01-05 at 4.56.34 PM.png (1×814 px, 151 KB)
Screen Shot 2024-02-02 at 12.26.28 PM.png (1×846 px, 228 KB)
Etonkovidova claimed this task.

@Etonkovidova just seeing this. Thanks for the screenshots. Have you already filed the ticket for preview button or should I file it? I also want to include in that ticket to remove indentation on mobile.

@Etonkovidova just seeing this. Thanks for the screenshots. Have you already filed the ticket for preview button or should I file it? I also want to include in that ticket to remove indentation on mobile.

@Sneha I didn't file a ticket. Please do - it makes sense to have a ticket which would list other UI issues as well. Thanks!