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Require logged-out users to complete a CAPTCHA on temporary account creations in certain circumstances
Open, Needs TriagePublic


To mitigate scripted abuse of temp accounts, we should consider showing a CAPTCHA to edits that would result in a temporary account creation, in certain circumstances. Some possible scenarios:

  • the user's IP is known to iPoid-Service
  • the user's IP is linked with X number of temp account creations in the last Y minutes
  • the user's IP is linked with X number of temp account edits in the last Y minutes

We could also consider a config that would allow for requiring a captcha on temp account creation for X% of requests

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kostajh renamed this task from Require users to complete a CAPTCHA on temporary account creations in certain circumstances to Require logged-out users to complete a CAPTCHA on temporary account creations in certain circumstances.Feb 16 2024, 2:21 PM
kostajh created this task.
Ladsgroup subscribed.

I'd go even further given how easy it is to change IPs to just require it on every case. That simplifies the logic. We already require captcha for every user creation regardless.

I'd go even further given how easy it is to change IPs to just require it on every case. That simplifies the logic. We already require captcha for every user creation regardless.

We can make that configurable and observe what happens in some pilot wikis (T357763: Create a temporary accounts initiative Grafana dashboard). I hesitate to say that we set "always show a CAPTCHA for temp account creation" as the default, because that diverges significantly from the status quo, in regard to barrier to entry for editing.

Fair, in adding links, the user clicks on Publish and then sees a captcha, maybe if we show captcha before that it would reduce the barrier but yeah. Very non-scientific gut feeling. Nothing concrete.