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Hardware requests for Search Platform FY2024-2025
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Placeholder. The Search Platform Hardware Budget Spreadsheet contains more info.


Other Assignee

Event Timeline

(comment deleted based on updated info from @wiki_willy )

Hi @bking - thanks for coming up with the list. I have the following refreshes already on the CapEx doc, so you just have to fill in the missing columns for "Hardware Config", "Network Speed" and "Total Equipment Cost" (for custom configs)

cloudelastic100[5-6] - line 76
elastic10[53-67] - line 59
elastic20[55-60] - line 60

For elastic20[37-54] though, it was already refreshed this fiscal year under Procurement T348048, and installed under elastic[2092-2109] in T349780.

bking updated Other Assignee, added: RKemper.

We've updated the spreadsheet, but are waiting on the results of some NVME benchmarking (see T336443 and T358727 ) which might influence whether or not we purchase a couple of NVME drives for a single WDQS host (so we can speed up our data reload process)

Gehel reopened this task as Open.

This is filled out in the WMF-wide CapEx sheet, but not in the Search Platform-specific sheet. We should be able to move the data over by the end of the week.

Update: I copied the values over from the WMF-wide sheet to our Search Platform sheet. Moving to 'needs review' so @Gehel can review if necessary.