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[Spike] Prepare meeting with content transform team about outcomes of new parser
Closed, ResolvedPublic



User story

  • As a developer, I want the new parser to work with our user interface, so that we can continue with the migration safely





Acceptance criteria

  • Review existing tickets and proposals
  • Document open questions and suggestions from the team
  • Schedule a meeting with the content transform team to discuss next steps

Event Timeline

Jdlrobson added subscribers: MSantos, ssastry, Jdlrobson.

I had an opportunistic chance to talk to @ssastry and @MSantos today about the parser migration and agreed this should be considered Essential work by the web team for Q4.

In terms of timeline, the content transform team are targeting full parser migration on English Wikivoyage and Hebrew Wikivoyage by the end of the fiscal year.

While they can ship to desktop only they and I would prefer not to do that as it may create more work for us on the long run.

With that in mind, I think we should aim to plan this work in April/May to avoid being a blocker for them. My prediction is this should be work for 1-2 engineers on our side for about 2 sprints.