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Provide a public, documented API for people to make Wikifunctions calls
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Job To Be Done

As a Wikimedia gadget developer or third-party app developer, I want to be able to call Wikifunctions to calculate a Function with given inputs so I can use the power of Wikifunctions within my tool.

Acceptance criteria

  • T360359 - A public API exists which can be called by users for limited numbers of calls.
  • T360369 - The API triggers instrumentation that it is called, and from what source.
  • T360370 - The API is advertised and documented clearly on the Wikimedia API portal,

Completion checklist

  • API code is tested against 'real' end-point (end-to-end Beta Cluster testing)
  • Documentation live on API portal, assisted by Technical Writing team

Event Timeline

DVrandecic moved this task from To triage to Backlog on the Abstract Wikipedia team board.