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Plan for Donate Wiki and Thank You Wiki Rollback and Redesign
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After the Vector 2022 deployment, both Donate Wiki and Thank You Wiki experienced style issues due to the rollout. These wikis were not intended to function as wikis and the deployment of Vector 2022 was not suitable for their purpose. In response the web team rolled back the deployment.

Next Steps:

  • 1. Assessment of Current State: Review the current state of Donate Wiki and Thank You Wiki to identify specific style issues and assess the impact of the Vector 2022 deployment.

The web team discussed this with the fundraising tech team and learned that is rendered via the legacy Vector skin. Styles are loaded on top of this page e.g. and to modify the appearance.

Viewing the page in any other skin results in a modified display e.g.

  • 2. Evaluation of Redesign Options:
    • Evaluate whether reapplying Vector 2022 to these wikis is feasible and would address the style issues adequately.
    • Consider alternative design options that better suit the purpose of these sites and align with user expectations.
  • 3. Decision Making: Based on the assessment and evaluation, make a decision whether to proceed with reverting the Vector 2022 deployment on these wikis or to redesign them entirely.
  • 4. Implementation:
    • If reverting the Vector 2022 deployment is chosen, plan and execute the rollback process with appropriate testing to ensure a smooth transition.
    • If redesigning the wikis is chosen, fundraising tech team to create and share a detailed plan for the redesign process.

Related Ticket:

Event Timeline

Jdlrobson added a subscriber: SToyofuku-WMF.

Web team had a retro on the 8th regarding this.

Our action items were:

  • @ovasileva Investigate internal user-facing communication around deploys, ways to avoid similar surprises
  • @ovasileva Consider enhancing deploy spreadsheet to document ownership/point of contact and mark sensitivity/context around target wikis
  • @SToyofuku-WMF Take steps to formalize the process we took here around requests to rollback, and expectations around timing - this is being done in T362121
Jdlrobson lowered the priority of this task from Medium to Low.May 14 2024, 9:19 PM