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Focus area pages: reader experience
Open, Needs TriagePublic


As a user viewing a focus area, I should see, but not be able to edit:

  • The focus area description
  • Status of the focus area
  • Responsible team
  • A table of all wishes (linkable to the wishes themselves), indicating status of each wish + the date created)

As a user viewing a focus area, I should be able to

  • support a wish
  • join the discussion on a focus area
  • view individual wishes
  • sort the table of wishes


TitleReferenceAuthorSource BranchDest Branch
Fix focus area index location, to Template:Community_Wishlist/Wishes/repos/commtech/wishlist-intake!176samwilsonindex-prefixmain
Hide 'area' or 'status' column of index tablesrepos/commtech/wishlist-intake!175samwilsonhide-table-colsmain
Add focus area template, dummy data, basic Lua modulerepos/commtech/wishlist-intake!59musikanimalmore-mediawiki-pagesmain
Customize query in GitLab

Event Timeline

JWheeler-WMF renamed this task from Reader experience to Reader experience: focus area.Apr 23 2024, 9:01 PM
JWheeler-WMF renamed this task from Reader experience: focus area to Focus area pages.May 10 2024, 6:41 PM
JWheeler-WMF renamed this task from Focus area pages to Focus area pages: reader experience.
JWheeler-WMF updated the task description. (Show Details)
JWheeler-WMF updated the task description. (Show Details)
JWheeler-WMF raised the priority of this task from Medium to High.May 28 2024, 9:18 PM
MusikAnimal subscribed.

"support a wish" is a separate task FYI (T363231).

I've done some of the template editing for Focus Areas. There's still more to do, including bot automation. Unlicking for now.

JWheeler-WMF raised the priority of this task from High to Needs Triage.Fri, Jun 28, 2:00 PM
Samwilson added subscribers: tstarling, Samwilson.

For this we'll not want to show the 'Focus area' column in the wishes table on Focus areas' pages, and similarly for T369554 we're going to not show the 'Status' column, so in the collab session today @tstarling and I were talking about switching from having a single {{Community Wishlist/Wishes}} template using {{Community Wishlist/Wishes/Row}} to a set of these templates for each type of the (now four) wish tables. So we'd have something like:

  • {{Community Wishlist/Wishes/All}} — contains the wrapping table, and calls the next template to get the rows. Translated.
  • {{Community Wishlist/Wishes/All rows}} — is written by the bot, and contains the calls to the next template. Not translated.
  • {{Community Wishlist/Wishes/All row}} — per-row template, showing only the columns needed. Translated.
  • {{Community Wishlist/Wishes/Recent}}
  • {{Community Wishlist/Wishes/Recent rows}}
  • {{Community Wishlist/Wishes/Recent row}}
  • {{Community Wishlist/Wishes/Archived}}
  • {{Community Wishlist/Wishes/Archived rows}}
  • {{Community Wishlist/Wishes/Archived row}}
  • {{Community Wishlist/Wishes/Focus area}}
  • {{Community Wishlist/Wishes/Focus area rows}}
  • {{Community Wishlist/Wishes/Focus area row}}

And at some point we'll add focus area tables, in the same vein:

  • {{Community Wishlist/Focus areas}}
  • {{Community Wishlist/Focus area/Cards}}
  • {{Community Wishlist/Focus area/Card}}

How does this sound?

I think everything here is now covered, other than voting, which is tracked in T363231, and the requirement to not be able to edit. I suggest that protecting pages be left until we know there's an issue — that's the usual approach on Meta, rather that locking things down beforehand.

Also, the template arrangement I described in a comment above isn't how it's ended up. We've stuck with the easier system of having the two optional columns handled conditionally within the single Row template.