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Unusual Inclusion of Non-3C Donors in Springlish Segmentation
Open, MediumPublic


CID 4835690 is an Irish donor who complained about receiving a UK-directed email!
He did donate in GBP once but this was a few years ago. Recent donations were made in his native currency.
CID 5052954, a Belgian donor, was mistakenly included in the US donor list despite all recent donations and address information stating Belgian.
We're puzzled as to how they were included in the Springlish segmentation. Upon reviewing Civi's address history, we noticed that correct addresses were reverted to older ones and then updated again afterward randomly. These changes weren't made by our team, so we're concerned!
Could you please investigate this anomaly further?
Please let me know if additional information is needed.
Thanks, team!

Event Timeline

Adding another CID 59489888 --> This donor has always been in Ireland, how would he end up in the Springlish (US, UK, and CA) segmentation list?

AKanji-WMF subscribed.

@KHaggard is there someone on team email who could have a look at the targeting on this? Would have been set up in Acoustic...

Hi @AKanji-WMF - yes we already looked at this together with DR before the ticket was logged and we've confirmed on our side that all our queries contained the ruleset:

country is equal to one of the following: US GB CA

The cases mentioned above are contacts with a pattern of weird home address switching back and forth that changed their home country in Acoustic at the time or before the time of sending. But it wasn't done by an agent. Hope this helps.

XenoRyet triaged this task as Medium priority.Mon, May 20, 7:43 PM
XenoRyet moved this task from Triage to DRI Backlog on the Fundraising-Backlog board.