When adding underlinkedWeight and minimumLinkScore from Suggested edits to MediaWiki-extensions-CommunityConfiguration, it works, but upon saving, I get an error message from the browser on the form field: Please enter a valid value. The two nearest value are 0 and 1.
This is not actually true, as underlinkedWeight and minimumLinkScore are floats. We should support floats in CC as well.
Screenshot of an example of the undesired error:
Acceptance criteria:
- Browser validation should not prevent a valid value from being submitted
- A new json schema type "integer" is provided to be able to differentiate floats (floats will use the existing number type)
- When the existing json schema type "number" is used, the form should allow to enter decimals
- Growth Schemas using integers should use the integer type
- Growth Schemas using floats should use the number type