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[Spike] Investigate lead paragraph hoisting on mobile with parsoid enabled
Open, MediumPublic2 Estimated Story Points



Currently, lead paragraphs are not being correctly displayed before infobox content - in order to unblock work on T359002, we should first understand the current issue and best recommendation for how to fix it

User story

As a developer on the web team, I would like to be able to display the lead paragraph first while understanding the technical implications of doing so and having confidence in my implementation


  • the current implementation is well-understood, including why parsoid is failing
  • We have evaluated T262093 and the problem it attempted to solve
  • We have evaluated how the existing transform impacts performance and how to minimize this in the new version
  • The discussion in T359002 is factored into consideration
  • a recommendation is made, ideally with a rough proof of concept, for how to solve this going forward for parsoid

Acceptance criteria

  • we feel that we have enough information to unstall T359002

Rollback plan

N/A - nothing should be merged as part of this spike

Event Timeline

Jdlrobson triaged this task as Medium priority.Mon, Jun 3, 5:22 PM
SToyofuku-WMF added subscribers: ovasileva, Jdlrobson.

Moving to ready for development as I believe it's important for this to be done this sprint, but feel free to move it if I'm disrupting anything @ovasileva @Jdlrobson !!