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Rename #CommunityConfiguration to #CommunityConfiguration-Growth and create new #CommunityConfiguration component project
Closed, ResolvedPublic


As discussed internally by the Growth-Team, we would like to rename the existing MediaWiki-extensions-CommunityConfiguration project to something like CommunityConfiguration-Growth and then to create a new project with the name CommunityConfiguration.

The goal is to solve/prevent this problem:

  • the current MediaWiki-extensions-CommunityConfiguration tag is focused on developing the CommunityConfiguration extension itself, with the prototypical use-case being the GrowthExperiments extension
  • with the CommunityConfiguration extension being close to being deployed to the pilot production wikis, other teams are starting to look into making use of it for their own extensions as well (YAY!)
  • that means we are seeing tasks like T366016 that are not about developing the CommunityConfiguration extension itself, but about making use of it in another project
  • It makes a lot of sense for these projects to have a tag for the CommunityConfiguration component on Phabricator, however this clashes with the current use of that tag
  • In addition, a Herald rule is adding the Growth-Team tag to every task tagged with MediaWiki-extensions-CommunityConfiguration. Which means that T366016 and all future such tasks will also be tagged with out team-tag, even though there is nothing for us to do there at all.

Thus with the current setup, we are going to face a lot of noise/unrelated tasks on the Growth-Team and MediaWiki-extensions-CommunityConfiguration boards. That is what we would like to prevent, while still allowing teams integrating with CommunityConfiguration to add a tag for this component to their tasks.

Event Timeline

What would a "new" CommunityConfiguration be about (and what not)? When to use which one when creating a task, as an average user?

Aklapper renamed this task from Rename #CommunityConfiguration to #CommunityConfiguration-Growth and create new #CommunityConfiguration componet project to Rename #CommunityConfiguration to #CommunityConfiguration-Growth and create new #CommunityConfiguration component project.Mon, Jun 3, 5:02 PM
Aklapper moved this task from Incoming to Projects to create on the Project-Admins board.

What would a "new" CommunityConfiguration be about (and what not)? When to use which one when creating a task, as an average user?

The idea is to explain that in the description of each project:

  • CommunityConfiguration-Growth would be about developing the CommunityConfiguration extension itself.
    • Naming is hard. We also considered CommunityConfiguration-Core. Though I think we're open for good other ideas. Please share if you have any suggestions :)
  • the new CommunityConfiguration phabricator project would be for integrating the existing CommunityConfiguration extension into other projects
    • (now that I'm writing this, I'm wondering if we maybe should call that CommunityConfiguration-Integration instead?)
  • so CommunityConfiguration-Growth is basically mediawiki-extensions-CommunityConfiguration (as an additional project tag)?
  • maybe CommunityConfiguration-Adaption? That would be a yellow tag I guess as a task should also have at least one other codebase project tag

Putting this on sprint board for (internal) visibility.

  • so CommunityConfiguration-Growth is basically mediawiki-extensions-CommunityConfiguration (as an additional project tag)?
  • maybe CommunityConfiguration-Adaption? That would be a yellow tag I guess as a task should also have at least one other codebase project tag

Yes! That sounds good to me 👍

Urbanecm_WMF claimed this task.

Based on the discussion above, I went ahead, renamed MediaWiki-extensions-CommunityConfiguration and created CommunityConfiguration-Adoption. Thanks for the feedback, Andre!