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Update Revision Tags and stop using edit summaries batch 1
Open, HighPublic


We need to migrate from using edit summaries for data to using tags. This must be done in phases to ensure we do not overburden our servers. This is 1/3 tasks. The Android team is responsible for deploying the tags of this particular ticket. iOS will need to switch over to the tags and stop using the edit summary for the task to be considered complete.

Implement lines 3-10 from spreadsheet.


  • Android team Deploy Tags
  • Android team stop using edit summaries for these set of tags
  • iOS stop using edit summaries for these set of tags
  • MediaWiki page is updated to include tags (@SNowick_WMF)

Event Timeline

JTannerWMF triaged this task as High priority.
JTannerWMF set Due Date to Wed, Jun 19, 4:00 AM.
JTannerWMF added a subscriber: SNowick_WMF.
cooltey subscribed.

Change #1041791 had a related patch set uploaded (by Dbrant; author: Dbrant):

[mediawiki/extensions/MobileApp@master] [WIP] Add API parameter for proxying tags to add to edits.

Change #1041791 merged by jenkins-bot:

[mediawiki/extensions/MobileApp@master] Add API parameter for proxying tags to add to edits.

Change #1046801 had a related patch set uploaded (by Dbrant; author: Dbrant):

[mediawiki/extensions/MobileApp@master] Add i18n messages for new tags.