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[testwiki-wmf.8] Special:CommunityConfiguration is not listed In Growth tools section on SpecialPages
Closed, DeclinedPublic


Steps to replicate the issue :

Screen Shot 2024-06-10 at 5.26.49 PM.png (728×2 px, 125 KB)

What should have happened instead?:

Other information

  • maybe it's worth also to list EnrollAsMentor page on Special:SpecialPages?
  • some of the links to special pages are displayed as bold. According to the legend those pages are Restricted special pages. Not sure what that status indicates exactly. Could such status, Restricted special pages i.e. be applicable to some of the Growth-related special pages?
    Screen Shot 2024-06-10 at 5.32.08 PM.png (1×2 px, 366 KB)

Event Timeline

Restricted Application added a subscriber: Aklapper. · View Herald Transcript
Etonkovidova renamed this task from [testwiki-wmf.8] Special pages do not list Special:Communityconfiguration to [testwiki-wmf.8] Special pages do not list Special:CommunityConfiguration .Tue, Jun 11, 12:49 AM
Etonkovidova renamed this task from [testwiki-wmf.8] Special pages do not list Special:CommunityConfiguration to [testwiki-wmf.8] Special:CommunityConfiguration is not listed on SpecialPages.
KStoller-WMF moved this task from Inbox to Up Next on the Growth-Team board.
Michael changed the subtype of this task from "Bug Report" to "Task".Tue, Jun 11, 8:57 AM

The Special:CommunityConfiguration page is listed below in the "Other special pages" section. That page contains links to all the CommunityConfiguration available, including that from other Extensions (for example, AutoModerator).

If we want a link in the GrowthExperiments section that is basically just a redirect to that general CommunityConfiguration overview page, then that would be relatively easy to do. If, on the other hand, we want there a special page that only has the GrowthExperiments-specific configuration providers listed, then that would design and probably also somewhat more effort.

maybe it's worth also to list EnrollAsMentor page on Special:SpecialPages?

The link "Mentor Dashboard" redirects one to Special:EnrollAsMentor if one is not a mentor yet. If we should change that behavior, then that would be a separate task.

some of the links to special pages are displayed as bold. According to the legend those pages are Restricted special pages. Not sure what that status indicates exactly. Could such status, Restricted special pages i.e. be applicable to some of the Growth-related special pages?

It is my understanding that Restricted special pages are those that are not visible to all users, but only to those with sufficient rights. Math status being visible to anonymous users is probably a bug somehow. If we want to hide some of the Growth special pages from some users, then that needs to be clearly specified. Which pages do we want to hide from which users? For example, hiding "MentorDashboard" incl. EnrollAsMentor" from users without an account makes sense to me. But only from anonymous users or also from those that don't meet the requirements for being a mentor? In either case, that should again be a separate task.

I'm changing this to a normal task as the current behavior is as specified (if there ever was any specification). If we are expected to pick this up and change current behavior, then it needs clear requirements.

Michael renamed this task from [testwiki-wmf.8] Special:CommunityConfiguration is not listed on SpecialPages to [testwiki-wmf.8] Special:CommunityConfiguration is not listed In Growth tools section on SpecialPages.Tue, Jun 11, 9:01 AM

Thank you, @Michael for the thorough explanations! I agree that the way the CommunityConfiguration and Growth features (i.e. MentorDashboard link works quite efficiently when I checked. A user without sufficient permissions, is informed about it; a user with sufficient permissions and who is not a mentor will be redirected to EnrollasMentor).

I'm closing the task as Declined since the scope of the task is good as it is.