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Sepa oddity
Open, Needs TriagePublic


Hi team, CID 63848894 had a Sepa recurring donation amount updated and eventually canceled (perhaps a test).
If you look at Civi and Adyen, it appears the donation was billed twice on 06/13. We need to understand if this occurred due to the amount update, as our current process should only apply changes from the next billing cycle forward, not immediately bill the donor again in the new amount. Was this a one-off issue related to testing, or does it indicate a problem that needs addressing?

Additionally, Salvatore from the DR team (CID 57364956) conducted tests with Rakhi, and the test refunds are being recorded in both CiviCRM and Adyen as chargebacks. This discrepancy could potentially disrupt our records of refunds versus chargebacks and trigger actions in Civi that may prevent donors from receiving fundraising emails. Could someone please investigate this issue?

Tagging Evelyn, as this may require involvement from an Adyen representative. Thanks, everyone!

Event Timeline

Agree that ACH and SEPA rejects / returns should be rejects and not recorded as chargebacks. This has been a concern for a while as iDeal SEPA returns are also noted as chargebacks when they are not.

For 63848894 That was me messing up in testing. I accidentally charged it before I updated the amount so that won't happen in production

For the chargebacks we have this for that: T366769: Need to not autocancel recurring iDEAL/SEPA chargebacks We will also have to handle chargebacks different for autorescue as that's how SEPA sends responses T362575: Add Auto Rescue for SEPA Direct Debit

@SHust on the test refunds, how were they done? I don't see the refund type in Adyen's console compared to the tests I did with cid=63848894

Also our notification from Adyen for R2FW695VNKFJ8X62 shows the chargeback as "reason":"AC01:IncorrectAccountNumber" The donation was settled in the Adyen console before that so curious about the refund process that was used

@Cstone, I can only assume that Rakhi or Salvatore refunded the test transactions. I'll reach out to them on Slack and let you know!

Apologies for any confusion. 207079947.1, 207079770.1 and 207079547.1 were test transactions and none of them were refunded. I was traveling on Wed hence could not refund them. Now, I see them as charged back. Do you know why they were charged back @Cstone @SHust