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Setup Repo for recommendation experimentation
Closed, ResolvedPublic3 Estimated Story Points



  • We need to host code for our recommendation experiments. This code should live in a place that allows for code review, deployment, and has a hook into hosting.

User story

  • As an engineer on the Web Team, I'd like to setup a repository for testing purposes that we can later use to build and deploy our code that is separate from the core wiki source.


  • Basic
  • Set up CI tools, eg (depending on source lang)
    • linting eg phpcs / parallel-lint
    • unit testing, eg. phpunit
    • js linting, eg. eslint
    • style linting, eg stylelint
    • anything relevant for translation, eg. banana-checker

Acceptance criteria

  • Repo has been set up and is live
  • README has been written with context
  • Basic CI/CD has been setup to build source on push

Communication criteria - does this need an announcement or discussion?

  • No

Rollback plan

  • N/A

This task was created by Version 1.2.0 of the Web team task template using phabulous

Event Timeline

Jdlrobson subscribed.

Unassigning since I'll be OOO.
I think we might benefit from more clarity on T371294 before analysing this one.

ovasileva set the point value for this task to 3.Aug 19 2024, 6:20 PM

The repo for an experimental browser extension has been set up here:
The setup is based on CRXjs + Vite. CRX is a library that helps build chrome extensions. It comes with a nifty Vite plugin that enables hot module reloading the extension in the browser.
I've added the following dev dependencies

  • ESlint & Stylelint (with wikimedia configs)
  • Vue & Codex
  • Readme for getting started.

Still on the todo list is CI integration for tests, and eventually, CI integration for publishing to the Chrome web store.

Suggest updating the README to expand on the scope of this repo - whether it's just one experiment or can be used for future experiments. Possibly some guidance on whether code should be tested on mobile as well as desktop domain.

@Jdlrobson I just added the following to the

This browser extension was made to test and gather feedback on experimental features created by the Web team at the Wikimedia foundation.
It currently includes only the following experiment, but, it is built to accommodate future experiments as well.

  • T370521 - Empty search state on Vector 2022

Due to the relative obscurity of browser extensions on mobile, this extension is best suited for experiments targeting desktop Wikipedia, however, experiments can be written to target the mobile domain if desired.

Perfect! Thank you!