Looking at a syntaxhighlighter plugin somewhere, I found the following sample (simplified here):
pre.code-json { position: relative; padding: 12px 7px; } pre.code-json::after { content: '{ "JSON": "code" };'; position: absolute; bottom: 2px; right: 2px; .... }
(which positions a label over the <pre>)
The CSSMin:minify function[1] currently does not respect string property values (either single or double quotes) and causes the following bug:
return CSSMin::minify( 'foo::after { content: \'{ "JSON": "code" };\'; }' );
foo::after{content:'{"JSON":"code" };'}
Note that the value changed:
content: '{ "JSON": "code" };'
content: '{"JSON":"code" };'
In this case it's just a little whitespace, but I can come up with other examples where characters are removed and what not.