The copy of the risks' checkbox that users are required to mark before submitting their configurations presents a set of problems:
- It currently only refers to "running an instrument", even in the context of the A/B test form. This is technically accurate, but might sound disconnected with the task at hand.
- It is quite broad: it refers to the generic action of "running an instrument", rather than clarifying its relationship with the Security and legal review associated with the data collection project, or any other documentation available. [See considerations section]
- The phrase "by proceeding" is usually used to gather implicit consent (i.e., simply continuing to use the tool or site constitutes agreement), while here users have to perform an action to input their explicit acknowledgement.
Suggested solution
Adjust the copy to (1) clarify to users that they're confirming they have read and understood the risks associated with the artifact they are configuring, as communicated to them by the Security and Legal department, and (2) align it with the demand of explicit consent.
Suggestions open for feedback and iteration:
A/B test form: "I acknowledge the risks associated with this experiment, as specified in the Security and Legal review."
Instrument form: "I acknowledge the risks associated with this instrument, as specified in the Security and Legal review."
Alternative copy that could apply to all scenarios:
"I confirm that I have read and understood the risks specified in the Security and Legal review"
New copy alternatives are just suggestions. Feel free to adjust if necessary.
Will all data collection artifacts registered through MPIC require a legal review? If the answer is no, then probably the fields in the Regulation section should be made optional, and we should use an alternative copy for the checkbox that, in order to cover all scenarios, refers to the risks in a more generic way. Providing a link to an overview of the mentioned risks (if/whenever that documentation is available) is strongly recommended if we opt for a more generic option. An example of that message could be: "I confirm that I have read and understood the [[ URL | risks associated with data collection ]]"
Acceptance criteria
- The checkbox copy makes clear and explicit to users that they are acknowledging and accepting the specific risks outlined to them by the Security and Legal department or any available documentation