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FlaggedRevs, patroller and autoreview changes for
Closed, DeclinedPublic


Author: vitomedia


I'd like to request a few changes to the configuration of, where I am an admin and a bureaucrat (mentioning this for reliability purposes). Basically three changes are required.

  1. Enabling of autopromotion for Patroller and Autoreview user groups with the following settings:

Parameter: Patroller - Autoreview

days: 60 - 30
edits: 250 - 50
excludeLastDays: 1 - 2
benchmarks: 15 - 7
spacing: 3 - 3
totalContentEdits: 300 - 150
totalCheckedEdits: 200 - 50
uniqueContentPages: 14 - 8
editComments: 50 - 20
email: false - false
userpageBytes: 0 - 0
neverBlocked: true - true
maxRevertedEditRatio: .03 - .03

The community consensus can be seen here:

  1. Inclusion of Portal and Help namespaces into the FlaggedRevs system.

Here is the link:

  1. Filemover right for the Patrollers.

The link:

Please do not hesitate to ask if something is unclear or simply does not look right.



Version: wmf-deployment
Severity: normal



Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Medium.Nov 22 2014, 1:28 AM
bzimport set Reference to bz44587.
bzimport added a subscriber: Unknown Object (MLST).

(In reply to comment #0)

days: 60 - 30
edits: 250 - 50
excludeLastDays: 1 - 2
benchmarks: 15 - 7
spacing: 3 - 3
totalContentEdits: 300 - 150
totalCheckedEdits: 200 - 50
uniqueContentPages: 14 - 8
editComments: 50 - 20
email: false - false
userpageBytes: 0 - 0
neverBlocked: true - true
maxRevertedEditRatio: .03 - .03

Is there documentation for these somewhere?

vitomedia wrote:

Hi, Krenair.

What do you mean by documentation? For you or for the community?

For me. I have no idea what to do with these settings. I would expect something similar to the examples at$wgAutopromote for autopromotion settings.

vitomedia wrote:

Right. In that case I think it is something like this:

This version has my comments in Turkish of course. For a "cleaner" version this might help:

I don't think I can get this to handle promotion to patroller...

vitomedia wrote:

What about the other two?

Actually, I think we can do patroller autopromotion with something like this (based on FlaggedRevsSetup::setAutopromoteConfig):

$wgAutopromoteOnce['onEdit']['patroller'] = array(
array( APCOND_AGE, 60*86400 ),
array( APCOND_EDITCOUNT, 250, 86400 ),
array( APCOND_FR_EDITSPACING, 3, 15 ),
array( '|', // OR

		array( APCOND_FR_CONTENTEDITCOUNT, 300, 86400 ),
		array( APCOND_FR_CHECKEDEDITCOUNT, 200, 86400 )


Autopromotion to autoreview, inclusion of namespaces and addition of rights should be easy.

vitomedia wrote:

How do other wikis do it? As far as I know, German Wikipedia has autopromotion for both groups (see Could it be possible to copy their settings and go from there?

As far as I can tell, the German Wikipedia has it for 'editor' and 'autoreview', not 'patroller'.

vitomedia wrote:

Correct. Both wikis have Autoreview, and has Editor instead of Patroller. Would it work if we copied their settings and replaced the word "Editor" with "Patroller"? Forgive me if what I am saying is noobish :)

No. If you look at their settings you'll see they don't actually mention 'editor', it's done through $wgFlaggedRevsAutopromote. Autoreview promotion comes through $wgFlaggedRevsAutoconfirm. Also see FlaggedRevsSetup::setAutopromoteConfig.

vitomedia wrote:

Oh, I see now. Thank you.

vitomedia wrote:

Could we do this step by step and start with Steps 2 and 3? Autopromotion could be sorted out later.

Gerrit change 48841. Autopromotion to patroller is not included in this patch, but it is for autoreview.

vitomedia wrote:

Turns out the change has been implemented today. Thank you, Alex. Something has to be fixed though. Check this link please:

Several bots and a fellow crat has been automatically promoted to autoreview. Obviously we do not want Sysops, Bureaucrats, Bots and Patrollers to be autopromoted to Autoreview. And also, for future reference, when someone in Autoreview is promoted to Patroller, they should be removed from Patroller. Otherwise it'd be an unnecessary duplication of rights.

(In reply to comment #15)

Obviously we do not want Sysops, Bureaucrats, Bots and Patrollers to be autopromoted to Autoreview.

This can probably be done, but we'll need to change the $wgFlaggedRevsAutoconfirm to a full $wgAutopromoteOnce['onEdit']['autoreview'].

(In reply to comment #15)

when someone in Autoreview is promoted to Patroller, they should be removed from Patroller.

Not possible as far as I know.

vitomedia wrote:

when someone in Autoreview is promoted to Patroller, they should be removed from Patroller.

Terribly sorry. I meant to say "they should be removed from Autoreview". All the same?

(In reply to comment #17)

when someone in Autoreview is promoted to Patroller, they should be removed from Patroller.

Terribly sorry. I meant to say "they should be removed from Autoreview". All
the same?

Yes, still not possible as far as I know.

vitomedia wrote:

Thank you, Alex.

vitomedia wrote:


I just realized that I made a terrible mistake (my own comparison table confused me, apparently), and provided incorrect numbers as autopromotion criteria. The actual numbers are supposed to be smaller than those seen in my first comment. I am terribly sorry about all this.

The correct criteria are as follows:

Patroller - Autoreview

days: 15 - 7
edits: 150 - 30
spacing: 7 - 7
totalContentEdits: 100 - 20
totalCheckedEdits: 0 - 0
uniqueContentPages: 10 - 5
editComments: 25 - 5

The others remain the same. Again, so sorry about this, Alex.

vitomedia wrote:

I think there is a problem. We did see some autopromotions after the first deployment (dated February 15th, 2013), but ever since the second deployment (dated February 25th, 2013), not one autopromotion has been seen. The third one (dated February 28th, 2013) did not change this.

Could something be wrong?

Gerrit change 52273 should fix it...

That was disabled in Gerrit change 52353 and fixed in Gerrit change 52433.

Looking at the log now, bots are getting promoted to patroller... Is that okay?

vitomedia wrote:

Nope. Ideally (that is, if possible) bots and sysops should not be autopromoted (to anything), and Patrollers should not be autopromoted to Autoreview. The latter would not be the end of the world (since I expect autopromotion to become the predominant method, and manual promotions to take place rarely).

vitomedia wrote:

Has this been deployed yet?

The link in comment 30 says "Status: Merged" and;a=blob;f=wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php#l9326 also shows the change, so it should be deployed.

Can this be closed as FIXED then?

I would say so but there doesn't seem to be any autopromotions actually happening, so it's difficult to tell.

vitomedia wrote:

Ditto. Only deployment that worked was the first one.

I wonder if the actual feature is potentially broken. If so, a separate appropriate bug should be opened for it

There is no patch fixing this bug awaiting merging in Gerrit, therefore changing status back into "NEW" since "REOPENED" isn't available.

tomasz set Security to None.

I wonder if the actual feature is potentially broken. If so, a separate appropriate bug should be opened for it

Autopromoteonce works as expected on other wikis, e.g. on dewiki.
It does seem to work on trwiki, since a user was autopromoted on 14 August 2014.
But it looks like the configuration is too restrictive. I would look into APCOND_FR_EDITSPACING.

Looking at the log now, bots are getting promoted to patroller... Is that okay?

I've fixed this in

@MarcoAurelio The Special handling column is currently populated by requests from other projects, like Visual Editor deployments.

Is this being currently worked on? If not, can we revive this? We'd be delighted if this could be handled some time soon. No autopromotions have been observed since 2013.

You should perhaps restart a new discussion with the community to know what they want in 2017 instead of enact old 2013 ideas.

No, that's your opinion. There is community consensus (a strong one at that) for this, but somehow noone has been able to implement this. We have been talking about this for years and wondering why it has not been implemented yet. Please respect the community's decision and implement this, or let someone else do it instead of brushing us off. I am perfectly aware of what the community wants, and I shouldn't be flogging a dead horse just because noone has been able to do this yet.

These requests should come from the community, not from one member of the community. We're in April 2017, 2 years and an half after the initial request. A lot of members joined your community, others parted, so all should get an opportunity to participate to the debate, not just the 2014 folks.

That's why for very old requests, we add a new discussion.

Ok, Sébastien. Please provide assurances that you will be able to handle this if we have a new discussion and re-establish consensus, and I shall oblige. But if this will only re-initiate the "figuring out" phase and you will need a third consensus by the time the phase in question is done, I think it would be a massive waste of time on our end. Wouldn't you agree?

I understand your concerns. Yes, I can assure you we'll enact quickly and swiftly the requested configuration for the autopromotion or patrollers rights part.

For FlaggedRevs, we don't currently extend the capabilities of the extension, pending resolution.

Is this still being worked on? According to this log, there seems to be only 3 autopromotions made since 2013. If this is resolved, I'll close the task. But it doesn't seem to be resolved.

This is declined. I also got in touch with Vito Genovese to confirm if he is still interested in this task, but he told me that I can close this.

This comment was removed by Vito-Genovese.

Will create a new ticket for the faulty autopromotion issue.