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html2wt: ISBN numbers are not being nowikied properly
Closed, ResolvedPublic


I just tried doing a ref through VisEd for the first time. I typed the ref manually, that is, without using a template. VisEd surrounded the whole ref with <nowiki> tags so that the ref was not rendered correctly. Probably I should have used the VisEd buttons for the italics and bolding (I will try that next time), but what about the ISBN number? "ISBN" is a magic word and this should continue to work through VisEd to render the ISBN number as a link.

Version: unspecified
Severity: normal



Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to High.Nov 22 2014, 1:47 AM
bzimport set Reference to bz51222.

This is worrying - I can't reproduce this as you describe (the auto-link works fine and is not wrapped in <nowiki>s). Can you give more details? Did you save the page - if so, do you have the diff link? What browser were you using?

(In reply to comment #2)

Firefox 22.0
Windows 7 Home Premium SP1 64-bit
Dell Inspiron 660
Intel Core i3-2120

Aha - did you type in "Applications of Environmental Aquatic Chemistry: A Practical Guide" and then make it italics, or did you try to use wikitext to
do this, typing in "''Applications of Environmental Aquatic Chemistry: A Practical Guide''"?

If the latter, I think this bug can be simplified to "ISBN 1234567890 should be spotted when avoiding overly-keen <nowiki>ing - is that correct?

That seems to about sum it up. As I said in my initial post, the bold and italics not rendering are probably my own fault.

(In reply to comment #4)

That seems to about sum it up. As I said in my initial post, the bold and
italics not rendering are probably my own fault.

OK, retitling. :-)

Is it correct to summarize this as a bug in the serializer where ISBN text is not being nowikied?

[subbu@earth lib] echo "<p>ISBN 1234567890</p>" | node parse --html2wt
ISBN 1234567890

whereas the expected output should have been:
<nowiki>ISBN 1234567890</nowiki>

ssastry lowered the priority of this task from High to Medium.Nov 30 2014, 11:38 AM
ssastry moved this task from Needs Triage to In Progress on the Parsoid board.

This should now be fixed.

[subbu@earth lib] echo "<p>ISBN 1234567890</p>" | node parse --html2wt
<nowiki>ISBN 1234567890</nowiki>