When creating a translation you want to know if the page to be published exists, and in case it does be able to decide whether to override, keep both versions, or cancel.
As a user, I can be aware of the existence of the article I'm trying to publish, so that I can decide what happens with the existing content
Acceptance Criteria
- When the user renames the translation title, a warning should be shown if the page already exists.
- When publishing, if the page already exists, a dialog is shown to the user with the following options:
- Publish anyway. Content will be replaced on the target Wikipedia.
- Publish as draft. Content will be published under the user namespace.
- If a draft already exists we can override it (see next item for a possible exception for this).
- If we are not publishing directly to a real Wikipedia, we can rename the button as "Keep both versions", and keep the drafts under the user namespace. In that case we should not override the different drafts but create new versions. Example: Save the article “Food” as “Food (1)”.
- Cancel. That will allow the user to go back and rename the article or decide later.
Design notes