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Publish translations to the main namespace by default (if the page does not exist already)
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Currently translations are published to the user namespace which requires unnecessary extra steps for users to move to the main namespace. From user tests, user expectations for "publish" seem to be for the content to really go live.

Publishing to the main namespace should not be problematic because:

  • Users are creating new content, not replacing existing one, which generates less conflicts if reverting changes are needed.
  • If content exist a warning and option to publish in user namespace will be provided according to T76180
  • We already persist translations before they are published so that users can improve them and publish when those are ready (adding another intermediate state seems just to complicate the mental model)
  • Users are registered which makes it a less favorable option to vandalism than regular editing.
  • So far we got 0% reverted articles from those published using Content Translation.
  • when testing with users, that is what they expect to happen when clicking "publish".

In our experience of releasing the tool initially configured to publish in the user namespace we found different issues:

  • Users moving their translations to the wrong location (example).
  • Users copying the content manually to the main namespace (example copied from here) which breaks the statistics and the possibility for the community to track content created with the tool. On January 26, I could find 19 articles moved manually in catalan Wikipedia.
  • Users asking to remove their user namespace pages after moving the content to the main namespace (example) which produces additional work for admins.

More details at the Catalan Village pump discussion

After making publishing to the main namespace the default on Catalan Wikipedia (that is, making a tool that is supposed to create articles, to create articles once you press "publish"), we identified no issues.

Event Timeline

Pginer-WMF raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
Pginer-WMF updated the task description. (Show Details)
Pginer-WMF changed Security from none to None.
Pginer-WMF subscribed.

This will require changes in both and Just noting that so we don't forget.

Our success metrics currently include number of users who publish to user namespace. If we change things to publish directly to the main namespace, that metric will no longer be relevant, right?

@Jsahleen It may be still relevant. It will just have a different meaning: users trying to publish an article to an existing page that decided not to override it and publishing the translation on their user namespace instead to do a manual merge, etc.

I think we may want to keep it since it is informative, but consider it as a lower priority since we probably don't want to base targets of success for it (it does not seem a metric to optimise).

Arrbee triaged this task as High priority.Dec 23 2014, 2:34 PM

Change 182358 had a related patch set uploaded (by Santhosh):
Configurable target namespace for translated pages


Change 182358 merged by jenkins-bot:
Configurable target namespace for translated pages

Arrbee claimed this task.
Arrbee lowered the priority of this task from High to Medium.
Arrbee moved this task from In Progress to Done on the LE-Sprint-81 board.
Pginer-WMF updated the task description. (Show Details)

Change 193835 had a related patch set uploaded (by KartikMistry):
CX: Publish translations to the Main namespace by default

Change 193835 merged by Manybubbles:
CX: Publish translations to the Main namespace by default