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Have public bug day / triage sessions in February 2015 about VE
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Have triage sessions. Regarding topic, stakeholders and key developers, this will focus on VisualEditor and be on a weekly basis, and volunteers are very welcome:

See Task 86867 for "VisualEditor Q3 Release Criteria".
See for announcement.

See for more information

First bugday with Phabricator instead of Bugzilla.

Potentially related Team-Practices tasks:

Event Timeline

Aklapper claimed this task.
Aklapper raised the priority of this task from to Low.
Aklapper updated the task description. (Show Details)
Aklapper added a project: Developer-Advocacy.
Aklapper changed Security from none to None.
Aklapper subscribed.
Aklapper renamed this task from Have next public bug day in January or early Feburary 2015 to Have next public bug day in January or February 2015.Jan 5 2015, 5:44 PM
Aklapper renamed this task from Have next public bug day in January or February 2015 to Have next public bug day in February 2015.Jan 26 2015, 7:04 PM

Next triage should be targetting VisualEditor I guess.

Notes to myself: seems to be the current quarter (Using 'Q3' and no year and no description was not totally obvious though). Workboard; Burndown chart (not too readable).

Generally speaking, there are currently 1152 open tickets in the umbrella VE project (which is automatically added for any subproject tasks). Also see the Distribution of priorities of open tickets (search for "VisualEditor").

Aklapper raised the priority of this task from Low to Medium.Jan 26 2015, 7:22 PM
Aklapper raised the priority of this task from Medium to High.Jan 27 2015, 8:21 PM
Aklapper renamed this task from Have next public bug day in February 2015 to Have public bug day / triage sessions in February 2015 about VE.Feb 3 2015, 1:09 PM
Aklapper updated the task description. (Show Details)

@Jdforrester-WMF, when chatting with @Aklapper about the VE weekly calls, I suggested the possibility of offering a temporary #VE-Q3-candidate tag of sorts to users willing to propose a specific task for the mega-sprint. The reason being that defending a proposal in English and in front of an unseen/unknown crowd during a synchronous phone call might deter some users. Even if a user plans to do so, being able to mark a task as candidate, explaining in the comments why, sounds like a good way to have a more productive meeting.

What do you think?

I don't know.
In theory folks that unfortunately skipped communicating with product/project maintainers could already add the "real" Q3 project anyway without making sure that their addition is helpful from a "let's get the stuff out" maintainer prospective.

Folks could try to convince maintainers on IRC why some task is important enough before adding the task.
Or in the task itself. I'm not sure if that tag in addition to the comment itself would really help us (well, it might if noone reads all the incoming comments on all the VE tasks, to be honest). It might be yet another list that's as diverse as the list of all open tasks when it comes to importance; it might also be a way to get helpful feedback from folks that have good judgement what's important now - really hard for me to judge VE's community.

Ok, I'm now convinced that we don't need to use an additional task for this process. Just keep in mind that not everybody will be able to follow at the same path, and some users might want to voice their opinions constructively in channels other than the phone call meeting. Let's be understanding and let's bring their relevant opinions to the triage meetings, as opposed to i.e. limiting ourselves to remind people about the official process.

I'm pretty sure you were already planning to do this, but since we are running this type of process for the first time, I prefer to write this down somewhere. :)

Just a side question: is it normal that the "remaining points" line is not burning down at ?

CCing @Christopher just in case.

This is expected since the switch from Maniphest Status to Column Position. To show progress in a Sprint, the normal workflow is to move the task to the "Done" column on the board. This then deducts the points from "Points Remaining".

As mentioned in T88328, there are currently 4 static column "type" constants, "Backlog", "Doing", "Review" and "Done" that are recommended for the Sprint extension. Teams are encouraged, but not required, to use these column names. Future implementation may allow the possibility of user-defined names that map to these types, and perhaps additional column types.

Also, I suspect that if for the § VisualEditor Q3 Blockers project, if the "Complete" column is renamed to "Done" then all previous moves to this column will show on the burndown chart.

Also, I suspect that if for the § VisualEditor Q3 Blockers project, if the "Complete" column is renamed to "Done" then all previous moves to this column will show on the burndown chart.

Done, thanks. With this fix and the Sprint upgrade, this page looks great now!

@Jdforrester-WMF, why there is not visible progress during the whole month of January? Should we consider setting the beginning of the sprint on Feb 1?

I'm being picky with this page because (as @damons explained at the MW Dev Summit) a burndown chart is a key communication tool, and I think we can push this page in all our VE sprint communications (also to editors etc). I guess people will wonder "what happened in January?", and this is why I'm asking.

Should we consider setting the beginning of the sprint on Feb 1?

According to James' answer in T89715: No. :)