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A mailing list for hackathon organizers
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Every Wikimedia hackathon ends up having their own organization mailing list, and every time a new event starts basically from scratch, discussing most of the times about very similar topics. What if we would have just one mailing list that people could subscribe and unsubscribe depending on their involvement? New organizers would not start from zero with zero people, old organizers would be free to stay around and give some advice, and those that support event after event could be always there, ready to help as well.

Yes, there would be little nuances, like having to resort more to English, and creating potentially more "noise" for people interested in a single event (i.e. when the EU hackathon and Wikimania's need to be organized at the same time). However, the whole trend is moving toward using Phabricator for project management, leaving the role of the list more for the daily little things and misc support.

Event Timeline

Qgil raised the priority of this task from to Low.
Qgil updated the task description. (Show Details)
Qgil added subscribers: Qgil, Sylvain_WMFr, Rfarrand and 3 others.

Mmmm... it looks like we have lost the train for Lyon and Mexico City. I will change the dependencies.

@Rfarrand, this one is ripe for ECT-June-2015, don't you think?

Is there still anything blocking the request to create this mailing list?

I have emailed past hackathon organizers explaining this and letting anyone opt out (and looking for people I missed).
I have also created the following:

If everything goes as planned I will be able to close this task after completion list on Friday this week.