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Rename gom-deva language code to gom
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Wikimedia's Language committee is about to approve the Konkani Wikipedia. The committee agrees that Devanagari should be the primary script for it and gom should be the code. For consistency and simplicity, the localizations should be under gom as well. Latin Konkani localizations can be under gom-latn.

Event Timeline

Amire80 raised the priority of this task from to Medium.
Amire80 updated the task description. (Show Details)
Amire80 added projects:, I18n.
Amire80 added subscribers: Amire80, Ijon, santhosh and 3 others.

This is a bad plan, and inconsistent with how other multi script languages are managed. Please leave it as it is, or commit to doing the same (reverse from earlier actions) for other multi script languages.

I actually don't think that it works that well for other multi-script languages. My impression is that for kk, kbd, ady and tt it creates a lot of unnecessary mess. The domain in this case will probably be in any case and the different language code will create yet another entry for mapping, etc. But I'm willing to hear other opinions. says the main script is Kannada, not Devanagari.

gom-latn is a supported locale but is currently inactive and below export threshold; gom-deva is below export threshold and has seen some recent activity; gom-knda see ms empty.
Unless more translations are made, not much can be done.

If there isn't much need for gom-latn and another script is predominantly preferred, perhaps gom-latn should just be removed, rather than making an exception to the rule. Either way, this seems a MediaWiki-Internationalisation issue more than a TWN issue.

Perhaps the language committee can reconsider. The current practice, if multiple scripts are expected, is that all scripts use the script suffix. The script-less code will have the most common script as a fallback. See

"a lot of unnecessary mess" is not a convincing argument for me. I want details.

I am a member of the language committee and have never heard of such a plan to rename gom-deva to gom, just of a plan to create gom.wikipedia with gom-deva as its language.

Nemo_bis claimed this task.

I am a member of the language committee and have never heard of such a plan to rename gom-deva to gom, just of a plan to create gom.wikipedia with gom-deva as its language.

Thanks for clarifying the misunderstanding. Closing.

Btw says main script Devanagari. I hope we're using the correct language code (or that someone reported them any mistake).

Change 206083 had a related patch set uploaded (by Nemo bis):
Add Goan Konkani Language