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Define event organization help needed at Wikimania Hackathon in Mexico City
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Quim will not be in Mexico City, this means that I will need some help running the event.

Having at least two event organizers is important. Having someone dedicated to help run the event who will not be trying to muti-task and hack would be ideal.

An incomplete list of help needed:

  • Not new to the movement who understands the schedule, topics, main people involved in the event. - Able to help introduce the hackathon and support/connect newcomers.
  • Track the accomplishments at the hackathon and help present them at the hackathon showcase.
  • Someone who I can partner with to deal with last minute issues, logistics and discussions.
  • Able to be physically present throughout the entire hackathon

Event Timeline

Rfarrand claimed this task.
Rfarrand raised the priority of this task from to High.
Rfarrand updated the task description. (Show Details)
Rfarrand added subscribers: Rfarrand, Qgil.
Rfarrand added a subscriber: siebrand.

Siebrand Mazeland will be helping Quim and I with the organization of the Mexico City Hackathon. He will be attending in person while Quim will not be able to attend. Siebrand I will be meeting in Lyon to get started on a plan. The organization for Lyon and Mexico City will be similar.

  • @ksmith has offered to help people with their showcase presentations
  • Michael Guss has offered to help with video recording
  • @Aklapper will be helping newbies onboard with Phabricator and probably will run the intro to MediaWiki session (with pre planning help from @Qgil), and also help people get signed up for the showcase
  • @siebrand will help populate the showcase, co-run the hackathon opening and showcase, and be around to help with any issues that come up
  • hopefully @Spage can help with a templates for phabricator for sessions and a template for signing up for the showcase, and maybe help get people signed up for the showcase and help them with their presentations
  • hopefully @Multichill will be around to join me to talk with the a/v people at the hotel in advance of the showcase to make sure it runs smothly
  • @Qgil will make sure the schedule is up and populated before the event

I still need to work out a specific plan for supporting newbie walk-ins, address the buddy system (not everyone will have a buddy like in Lyon - but some will), and coordinate some translators but I am going to close this task as I have defined the help needed at the event. Please let me know if you are not willing or able to help with the tasks outlined above. :)